My poor arms...


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
I just finished making butter in a jar.

I bet the taste of fresh butter is worth the sore arms. LOL!!! So how do you make homemade butter..this would be something I'd like to make.
lorain's fids :

I bet the taste of fresh butter is worth the sore arms. LOL!!! So how do you make homemade butter..this would be something I'd like to make.

Oh that is fun!

Here's some tips to help:

-Imagine you are jumping rope, so just jump around.
-Jump on the bed!
-Put it in something else and play soccer!
-Sing or listen to music.

For those interested in making butter:

It's extremely simple. Just buy some heavy whipping cream, put it in a jar, and shake until you get a clump of butter floating in liquid. Or you can beat it with a beater.
I've made whipped cream and butter with a fork and a whisk. The fastest way is to heat the container a little. Believe be when I tell you making whipped cream with a fork takes a while. You'd better like sweat-flavored whipped cream. Cuz that's an ingredient.

If you heat the container, it goes:

If you put the container in the refrigerator for a bit, before doing the same process, you get whipped cream, at the end.

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