My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

You must post pics of the chick. I am curious to see what color it will be when grown.
Hope you get a hen.
The dog was new, we had him from a couple (the girlfriend) did not want the dog..... But putting 2 dogs together does not go to well (pack instinct kicked in)

Sadly the chickens got it... I had no concern as the dogs were fenced in, but sadly daisy climbed through the bars of the fence...... without anyone noticing, the dog grabbed her. Soon afterwards we got to attaching chicken wire over the barring to prevent any more incidents... The couple split up, and the lad was so upset that he was made to get rid of his dog, he had him back... which in the long run was for the best as the lad and dog were best friends, the dog and the chickens were not...... I will think twice in future about rehoming peoples animals, I am just a sucker for homeless animals.. poor Daisy paid the price.. I will feel guilty forever
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I will post so many pictures they will probably bar me from the site for taking up all the space

I so cant wait, just hope it hatches, and yes indeed a hen.... I am also curious about what colour it will be.. 2 weeks today and hopefully we will
find out
The egg was marked before incubation so there should be no mix ups
oh I am so happy
I'm so happy for you! That's great news! I'm subscribing to this thread, I need to know what happens!!!!
I'm so excited for you, I really am. I just think this is a great story....not the part about your beautiful Daisy....but what could hopefully come of it...I hope you know what I mean and don't take it the wrong way!
So sorry to hear about your beautiful Daisy. I know how you feel to lose a special bird friend! that is a special relationship that can not be duplicated. however, I am excited about Daisy's egg and hope that is a pullet. I just have to subscribe to this as well to see how it all turns out. Best wishes to you! Oh if you are taking suggestions on names....I also agree with the earlier person who said the name "Legacy"
Thankyou everyone, I am so excited.. I know it will never be Daisy, but it would be nice that a part of her could live on..

Miyashi I understand exactly what you mean
It would be great after such a tragic start that there is a happy ending.....I will sure be keeping you all updated, this is for sure going to be the most nerve racking hatch ever....

I wish I had more eggs in the bator of Daisy's, but fingers crossed this is meant to be
and it will hatch ok

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