My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

hope the egg hatches for you
Thankyou everyone, I am still bouncing around the house... I am so happy... I am sitting on my hands, and will candle day 18 just before lockdown.. I will let you know how it goes
I can take pics of the eggs from the outside of the bator
But dare not candle again as I am worried enough while sitting on my hands, without adding the worry of candling to much and damaging the egg

ETA:- I will get some pictures tomorrow, as its 9.30 at night here in England
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I am so greatful for everyones support
If anyone has any ideas on what the colour the chick may be I would be very greatful, just incase I get up on day 21 and they have all hatched in the night, it would give me an idea on which is daisy's lol.... Daisy was a frizzle so it is 50/50 this chick could be
Maybe I could leave a barrier in so if it hatches it will be segregated from the others and I would know its daisys chick??

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