My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

Beautiful! Daisy would be proud of her son
Hiya everyone, well just an update on Daisy's chick, and his brothers and sister... out of all 5 chicks only 1 was a hen, and the other 4 were sadly cockerals, even Daisy's chick.. sadly I could not keep anymore cockerals and had to rehome them, they all went together on a 3 acre farm, where the man had ample amount of hens to share around, we were upset about letting him go, but sadly could not keep him. But we are glad he has gone to a fantastic home with his brothers.. Here are the last pictures we got of him before he went




We so wanted him to be a hen to add to the hybrid pen of girls, but seeing as we have pure polish cockerals, and are not suppose to have any at all we had to let him go

Thankyou to everyone who followed this adventure, and gave me all the support I could ask for, at least Daisy will live on in him, and in the chicks he will father, as the man allows all broody hens to sit on thier eggs
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So sorry to hear you had to let him go, but at least he went to a good home. It sounds like he will be happy there. Thanks for sharing Daisy's story! It's been great to read.

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