My Poor Ming Mei is starting to feel better! (recovery pics pg 5)

From my (limited) knowledge, bumblefoot in ducks is different than in chickens; chickens frequently have pus, but ducks don't. Don't ask me why, I'm new to all of this.

Bumblefoot is caused by even the teeny-tiniest laceration (cut) on their foot, and then walking around in their own feces or other bacteria-filled stuff. Make sure to keep her on some seriously dry and clean hay or whatever bedding for a while, and don't let her swim in a dirty pool; in fact, I've read not to let her get it wet at all, but if you're soaking it in something like epsom salts or something, that's fine.

If it gets to the point where it's really bad and you can't take her to a vet, there's a surgery you can do where you work the 'plug' out of the sore, and clean it up really well, then put Neosporin or something in it. I've read that this method works better than using straight antibiotics, since these lesions don't have many blood vessels to carry the medication to them. I'm hoping to get answers to my question on Duramyacin (or whatever) in this forum by tomorrow...

I think if I catch it early enough, maybe the bumblefoot won't get worse...

I'm worried for my feather babies.
From my (limited) knowledge, bumblefoot in ducks is different than in chickens; chickens frequently have pus, but ducks don't. Don't ask me why, I'm new to all of this.

Bumblefoot is caused by even the teeny-tiniest laceration (cut) on their foot, and then walking around in their own feces or other bacteria-filled stuff. Make sure to keep her on some seriously dry and clean hay or whatever bedding for a while, and don't let her swim in a dirty pool; in fact, I've read not to let her get it wet at all, but if you're soaking it in something like epsom salts or something, that's fine.

If it gets to the point where it's really bad and you can't take her to a vet, there's a surgery you can do where you work the 'plug' out of the sore, and clean it up really well, then put Neosporin or something in it. I've read that this method works better than using straight antibiotics, since these lesions don't have many blood vessels to carry the medication to them. I'm hoping to get answers to my question on Duramyacin (or whatever) in this forum by tomorrow...

I think if I catch it early enough, maybe the bumblefoot won't get worse...

I'm worried for my feather babies...
Well, she gets a bath every night in the tub, so it's clean. I'll try soaking her in some epsom salt water tonight. She sleeps in an indoor pen that uses pellets and shavings. Last night i gave her a towel on top of the shavings for extra comfort. Tonight i think i might confine her to a dog carrier in the pen (so she doesn't miss victor.) I'm afraid she'll cry. They get access to food and water all night in their pen, and i son't know if she eats during the night.
Let's hope she gets better!

Don't take my word as law or anything, I'm no vet. These are just things I've read and stored in my brain for further research.

If you don't eat her eggs or plan on eating her (which I'm assuming you won't) there's a product called Blue-Kote From TSC (probably others too) that you can use to seal the wound if you do try the surgery. It's for horses, and will stain EVERYTHING no matter what.

I've yet to use it, but it seems to me to be a last resort, because I guess everything is basically inedible after using it??

(This is based on reading the bottle which says 'not for use on meat horses'...
I went through this with one of mine...I would do the salt soak, then get that scab off and smother with neosporin...luckily it went away after that on mine...I think duckies are more prone to foot trouble because they are so messy and the bedding can be more wet...good luck!
I won't do the surgery myself, but my vet will if he has to. We were going to give her two weeks to see how she does, but she's seemed to got a bit worse... I'm calling the vet tomorrow and see what they think. Hopefully she doesn't need this surgery, it's already gotten quite expensive... We love her and will do whatever she needs, even if it means being poor! lol
As far as I've read so far, this 'surgery' is simply removing the hard 'plug' og gunk in there, and cleaning it out well, then applying antibiotic ointment. If I were you, I'd go full force against this, because bumblefoot is most commonly a staph infection... Wear gloves and pry that scab off! Don't squeeze though, the pus (if it's there) may go deeper into the foot. I'd put antibiotics (the vet gave me) in her water too... Aww, I hope she does better soon... Seems like it's pretty bad.

Could you get pictures?
after reading that, i'm def calling the vet to schedule that surgery. Her wound is hard as a rock. I don't want her dying or losing her leg. She is such a good duck and i think victor would die without her.

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