My Poor Ming Mei is starting to feel better! (recovery pics pg 5)

I hope ming mei gets better. Hopefully she will pass this illness and move on causing more mischief.
Ming Mei seems happier now and less lethargic. the doctor's gave her a shot of pain meds which i think she fully appreciated. We were so worried. She really is a special duck. She's very well behaved. She even puts her chest down and her butt up when i put her diaper harness on. She gives us hugs (we hold her to us, then she puts her neck over your shoulders). She knows the word stop, and will stop doing whatever she's doing when you say it. I wish all my ducks were as loving and as behaved as her! She ay be my oldest duck, but she's still my baby.

David even noticed that she looks alot better after her "surgery". She's got one more bath and pill tonight before bed.

I'm not going to lie, everytime i go in my art studio to check on her i hold my breath, worried i might find a stiff duckie.
Oh, Nettie, I think you have another amazing recovery under your belt. Thank goodness!! You have learned so much from those ducks (good and bad)....and when you share these stories with us it gives others advice, knowledge, and hope to all other duck lovers on BYC. We have much to learn from you! Thank you!

If there be one person who has ever wondered....I have personally seen Ming and she is absolutely as well behaved as Nettie said. Her and Victor both! Amazing!!

You should be writing childrens books (to combine your experince in preschool settings and you knowlege of duckie life). The Adventures of Ming and Vic. Or has this been suggested before? haha

PM'ed you....amazing Sammy update! Claudia
It seems our little duck is a sneaky snake... She's figured out that we hide her medicine in a piece of fruit or tomato, and has learned how to pick it out before eating! what a pain!!!! I made her a bowl of fruit today and hid the pill in one piece. I gave vic a bowl too.She ate the opne with the pill, but as soon as she swallowed it she realized she had been duped, and picked at the rest of her fruit fearing there were more pills. Last night we had to resort to crushing it, mixing it with a little honey and water and using a little syringe the vet gave us and force it down her throat. My poor ducky... If only she would cooperate!

The soakings are seeming to help. I noticed a bit of puss comign to the surface under her scab this morning while giving her her epsom salt bath. She also seems to be molting now and her feathers are all in dissarray. She is not happy about having to be held down 3 time a day to have her bandage changed after each bath She has a doctor's appt on monday morning with her egular vet who's going to finish cleaning it out and get her set.

I was reading somewhere online about someone making a duck "boot" for bumble foot out of neoprene... but i can't find it again.... Anyone know where i can get some neoprine to attempt to make one?

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