My Poor Ming Mei is starting to feel better! (recovery pics pg 5)

You can use cardboard for support, and duct tape ( lol 'duck' tape
) to hold it all together...??
i mainly would like to make one since i sew and it'd be retty easy, but mostly because we have to soak her and change her bandage so often, a boot would help keep the bandage on because ming mei is getting increasingly aggevated with the tape on her foot. Today the little punkie figured out how to take it off by herself. She also is getting more and more keen to my hiding her pills thing too. She's too smart for her own good.
Ming Mei went back to the vet today, for her check up! The doctor opened her foot up one more time to make sure there wasn't anymore puss plug in there. He didn't see any and gave me instructions to soak her when we got home and keep doing what we've been doing. If it gets worse or doesn't get better i have to bring her back. She was super fiesty today and even recognized the vet's voice behind a closed door. lol. She doesn't like the vet. lol. She's been eating fine, and scarffing treats. She still can't walk and hobbles, but she's perked up and back to her normal behaviors. She's kinda mad that she can't be diapered and walk around the house like victor can, but maybe in a week or two she'll be able to.

Thank you everyone for your continued support and good vibes for ming mei! She thanks you too! Hopefully soon she will be all better.
Here is ming mei in her recovery suite.... aka our nest box modified for the time being... We just recently started putting pupy pads on top of the towels to keep them from getting icky too quickly. There also a pick of how her and victor get to talk through the screen. The last pic is ming mei taking an epsom salt soak...



Awww... I wish mine were that tame. They definately are tame to a degree, as I found out when I bought my Appleyards, but not to the point where they'll snuggle or anything!

How often do you have to clip their nails when they're indoor duckies??
Mine are just whenever they get too long. :hmm;

Do you let them sleep on your bed? Lol

Ming reminds me of my Khaki but taller.

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