My poor Rooster. :(


May 20, 2018
Elgin, South Carolina
I came home from work last night to find out that the neighbor's dog took off with my rooster. My fiance was in the middle of feeding them and didn't match the gate on the run right. .

To make it worse, I found feathers in my yard when I came home from work today. Then when I went to check on the hens just now,. I stepped out the door and stepped on jack's carcass.

I started getting upset. My mother in law said, oh well you have to clean it up. ( She's staying with us BC of hurricane Florence evacuations). But after that heartless comment I'm ready to kick her to the curb. I'm devastated.

My fiance says.. it's ok we'll get another one.
Why doesn't anyone understand the point? That I lost a pet that I was attached to. I'm so distraught over it.

How or where do I even get another rooster when I'm ready?
I don't want to start from a chick . That's so much work but honestly.. If I did, I'd buy more pullets just to make myself feel that much better.
I'm new to chickens and don't even have any yet. I do understand your loss though. A pet is a pet no matter what species. I have tortoises. I thought I lost one and panicked and cried, even after I found him. Some people just don't understand the love for a pet. Very sad for them.
I'm very sorry for your horrible loss.
I'm so sorry you lost your boy. :hugs
I do understand how distraught you must be and that was a very thoughtless comment from your mother-in-law.
Fortunately, there are many NICE roosters listed regularly on Craigslist and Facebook poultry groups. I actually just rehomed a darling 20 week old Delaware cockerel. He has a wonderful new home with 6 ladies and his new owners just love listening to him crow and parade the girls around their property. When you are ready, you will be able to find a new guardian for you flock.
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I came home from work last night to find out that the neighbor's dog took off with my rooster. My fiance was in the middle of feeding them and didn't match the gate on the run right. .

To make it worse, I found feathers in my yard when I came home from work today. Then when I went to check on the hens just now,. I stepped out the door and stepped on jack's carcass.

I started getting upset. My mother in law said, oh well you have to clean it up. ( She's staying with us BC of hurricane Florence evacuations). But after that heartless comment I'm ready to kick her to the curb. I'm devastated.

My fiance says.. it's ok we'll get another one.
Why doesn't anyone understand the point? That I lost a pet that I was attached to. I'm so distraught over it.

How or where do I even get another rooster when I'm ready?
I don't want to start from a chick . That's so much work but honestly.. If I did, I'd buy more pullets just to make myself feel that much better.
I'd be teaching that neighbors dog a lesson; stay off my property!
I came home from work last night to find out that the neighbor's dog took off with my rooster. My fiance was in the middle of feeding them and didn't match the gate on the run right. .

To make it worse, I found feathers in my yard when I came home from work today. Then when I went to check on the hens just now,. I stepped out the door and stepped on jack's carcass.

I started getting upset. My mother in law said, oh well you have to clean it up. ( She's staying with us BC of hurricane Florence evacuations). But after that heartless comment I'm ready to kick her to the curb. I'm devastated.

My fiance says.. it's ok we'll get another one.
Why doesn't anyone understand the point? That I lost a pet that I was attached to. I'm so distraught over it.

How or where do I even get another rooster when I'm ready?
I don't want to start from a chick . That's so much work but honestly.. If I did, I'd buy more pullets just to make myself feel that much better.
Arghhhh! Sorry you lost your rooster. Getting a replacement isn't the point......sure you can but it isn't going to change the fact that you miss your rooster. I would kick the MIL to the curb as well for being so insensitive.

I get it. We lost a girl and my daughter and I were both devastated. And everyone else was like "well, just get a new one". Except my hubby who is awesome and knows how attached I get to animals. He gets it and even says he misses the girl we lost.
I’m so sorry for your loss :hugs
I understand how much it hurts to lose a chicken. Most people don’t understand how special chickens are. They just tell you that “it’s just a chicken”. Would anyone say to someone who lost their dog that “it’s just a dog and that they can get a new one”? Why should the response be any different for losing a chicken or any other pet?
The main reason a lot of people don’t look at chickens as pets is because they’ve been used for food for a long time. Somewhere close to 10 billion chickens are slaughtered for food in the US every year. Another few hundred million egg layers.
Keeping chickens solely as pets is fairly new.

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