My progress (New Update 11/4 Only 1 silkie made it)

I kind of hope it takes it's time so it wont be early and have problems. But as long as it is healthy I don't mind I guess. I have to get the brooder set back up. Stuck it in the attic like a nut. I want to build an outside brooder but have not gotten around to it. So up in the attic I go. I will let you know. Hope all is well with your hatch too.

I think it will be okay
especially since it hasn't pipped but isn't it exciting that its coming soon!
Well, I just talked to my hubby and he says it is still peeping and looks like a crack in the egg too. So I guess there is no stopping it. It is a Buff Frizzle egg from Jaynie so keep your fingers crossed!

Well, not much progress as of this morning (still technically day 19). It has a hole and the whole beak sticks out and peeps and I can see an eye. But no further progress since yesterday morning really. The humidity is hard to keep up for some reason. I guess the cooler temps and the heat cutting on some keeps the room air more dry. But I have lots of wet socks in there and I am managing to keep a touch of condensation around the edge of the windows most of the time. I am at work today so I don't get to hover. I slept out in that room last night so I could hear if it starting peeping loudly like it was trying to come out. I guess that is why, I don't really know. Kind of like a mom with a sick kid in some ways. Anyway, I am afraid to help at this point because of it being sort of early anyway. What if I help get it unstuck and then the yolk is not absorbed? I used a straw and dropped some warm water at one corner, not on the beak. Hopefully that will help loosen him/her up. Will see when I get home I guess. I also saw another pip this morning and I went ahead and took the second set out of the turner and upped the humidity in that bator too. It wont be day 18 until tonight but with the others starting early, I am worried that I need to go on and get that humidity in there. Will see how it goes. Keep your fingers crossed.

Good luck and it's hard to have to go to work knowing you have babies hatching at home. I have the second one of mine that pipped in the middle of the night and I can see inside the egg. I guess it's taking a nice long nap after all that hard work.
No such luck. I ended up with one buff silkie with curled toes and 5 out of 6 of my own pullets mixed breed chicks. Go figure. It is not in the cards I guess. Wont be buying any more eggs or hatching anymore. I will go with live chicks or chickens in the future. I just cant do it. Not sure what I do wrong. I have tried everything. The pullet eggs were basically to check fertility of my roo and I was told they usually don't make it because they are so small. Well, I did prove that wrong. These were not her first weeks eggs but the seconds week but are the same size. She is a bantam faverolle and the dad is a black sizzle. This should be interesting. Some of the others were turned wrong in the eggs and were fully formed and still had some blood in the veins but I guess they drown/suffocated. I about killed my back bending over all night and staying up really took it's toll on me physically. I have hurt all weekend form it. I just won't be doing that again. But thainks for the support. I still have the sassy eggs in the other bator but don't hold out much hope after this weekend. Tonight will start day 20 for them. I think I see one tiny pip in one of them but not sure. Will let you know, but like I said, not much hope.

Hi, I think the sender should really put on the box "Live embryos-do not xray-do not shake" I think "Live embryos" makes one think along the lines of "baby", and maybe the PO will be more considerate. Karen
Edited by me because this post does not read like I meant it to sound.
Sorry, this was not a statement to take personally, I meant it in a general way, and like all of us, we have to let the PO handle our eggs.
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Marie, I hope you feel better and get some chicks. You may want to think about the undeveloped ones as not being compatible with life and a blessing that they stop. I think some of it is nature's way of saying "not good enough for a quality life."I work in a neonatal ICU with babies that are born sick. Sometimes we do all we can to sustain them, but a few times not successful. Sometimes it's sad , but it's not meant to be. Don't give up yet. Karen
She did put all of that. It was not the shipping on these as they all formed chicks. I must be something I did wrong.

Ms. Jaynie is great at packing and they were fine and most had fully formed chicks. I think that shipping eggs does tend to mean more upside down hatches, just from what I have read anyway. Not sure of the facts there though. Just seems that way to me. One guy was still breathing and I tried to help him out. I could see the membrane moving up and down where he was trying to breath. I could not get him out fast enough due to the mebrane still having blood in the veins and he would have bled to death anyway. I got him out and rubbed his chest to try to mush the liquid up and out. He lived about 10 min or so and then died. I just feel so responsible. It was probably the faverolle roo I need so much. But anyway, what is done is done right?


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