My pullet being weird


Aug 1, 2020
Northern California
I feel like I’m posting a lot but this is too funny not to share.
I just got a new pullet for my solitary pullet the day before yesterday. I put them together yesterday morning and my older pullet accepted the new pullet well, with just a little pecking to assert dominance. They spent the night together and today as well, and tonight when I went to lock them up they were snuggling together. As soon as I flashed the light in the coop the older pullet started pecking at the younger one. I’ve noticed this is a trend, they are good when they are by themselves but as soon as I come around the older pullet starts pecking. I don’t know why she does this but I think it’s kind of funny.
(don’t worry, she’s a cross beak and can’t do much damage by pecking)
Wow! So cute, I dont know why though, it pecks the other with you around, is the older pullet bonded to you?
Yes, she is. I rescued her when she couldn’t walk and nursed her for two months before she started walking again. She follows me around, and take her on car rides. She must be afraid of offending me if she shows affection to another chicken🤣
Yes, she is. I rescued her when she couldn’t walk and nursed her for two months before she started walking again. She follows me around, and take her on car rides. She must be afraid of offending me if she shows affection to another chicken🤣
I have a cockatiel that loves me and is aggressive towards the rest of the family, maybe she is just attached, but I dont know any scientific answer.
Of course! I love showing them off lol.

This is Flynney, my original girl.


this is the new girl, she doesn’t have a name yet, I’m having a hard time picking one out for her.

Yep, Flynney is my profile pic as well
Yes, it is very strange.
I see you're a Cali resident, how is everything down there?
I know the wildfires have been trouble...
Of course! I love showing them off lol.

This is Flynney, my original girl. View attachment 2414257
View attachment 2414258View attachment 2414259View attachment 2414260

this is the new girl, she doesn’t have a name yet, I’m having a hard time picking one out for her.
View attachment 2414261View attachment 2414262

Yep, Flynney is my profile pic as well
May I suggest, a name?
They are both beautiful!
And them together....
This is about ten minutes after being introduced, I do think Flynn was lonely for another chicken. Someone else said there was a 1% chance of them sharing a shelter in two days but they are snuggling a day after!
Drinking and sunbathing together


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