My pullet has protruding vent and odd body shape...Please Help!

I went through that with my chicken was much older. I had to pop it in twice a day for about a week straight. I also had to keep her in a dark spot alone so other chickens wouldn’t peck at it and to keep her from laying. My family stayed in after about a week and worked up enough nerve to push a little further in. Might be harder with her being smaller though. I’m going to have to do some thinking on why it would keep coming out. I’ve read several reasons for it. Sometimes excess Laying of extremely large eggs. Or first time laying in egg. I’ve also read it could be a calcium imbalance. I’m going to have to do some looking for that on why it keeps coming out. Are the other chickens messing with it
It’s tricky to find what to do because of her age. When she was brand new I could just say “oh, it’s because she’s got a pasty bum” and clean her and take the steps suggested to clean it and put it back in. And she’s not old enough to have it be related to egg laying. I really do think it’s got something to do with her tail growing downwards and creating a constantly dirty bum - and I have no clue how to fix that
I see your tail feathers are down. But I was talking about the shape of her back behind the tail feathers. Maybe it’s just her back feathers. My eyesight giving away on me now
@Eggcessive You helped me out a lot when I go out with prolapse. Any thing you know of why it keeps happening
Sorry, I was referring to the wrong pic (thought you meant the vent pic). The “hump” on her back is just feathers pushing up between her wings - my little hunchback lol
Yes you could be completely right with the tail thing. It is odd how it’s growing down like that. Maybe something internal that’s being pushed back out. I remember you saying she wasn’t laying yet so it’s not a laying problem. I’m sure there’s more problems that cause it that I’m aware of
I don’t know if I can offer much help or not. Most prolapses are in hens of laying age, or in baby chicks which may be birth defects or seen during straining to poop. I would think that hers is a birth defect. Are you positive that she is a pullet? I cannot see anything that looks cockerel, but just wanted to ask since the tail feathers are long. I don’t know if a vet might be able to put a stitch in the vent, just to keep it from popping out, but then there might be a problem with constipation. I think you may have to just see how it goes. When she starts laying, maybe the vent opening will get more stretched. I just haven’t seen this particular problem, though. You might try giving her some wet feed to get more fluids into her.
She's a mix breed.
Looks like Legbar crossed with Yokohama.
If that's the case then it's no surprise her tail is held down and that it's that long. Both of those genes are dominant.

I'm thinking she has an infection in her vent that is causing it to swell and push out. Have you tried antibiotics?
Can you feel if her spine feeks straight and normal? Is her tail at an angle besides pointing down?

Is her keel straight?

All of these could be the result of genetics or a problem during incubation that has caused her to be malformed and hunchbacked.

However I'm not sure how that would cause what could be a small prolapse.

What is her stool like? Have you tried probiotics since shess had this trouble?

If she was a shipped chick it's not uncommon for them to get pasty butt. If she had it and strained excessively she could prolapse. I've had good luck treating prolapses due to pasty butt with hemorrhoid ointment but I've never had one that went on for so long.

Her vent looks like she could be getting close to point of lay to me possibly.

I would also suggest trimming some of the feathers around her vent to keep the poop from sticking to her. Most chickens change their position when they pass feces so it falls away from them. If she has a deformity she may not be able to make such a motion. I've also seen a few chickens that just aren't to be bothered to do such a thing as.

Not to be too gross but it could also be a yeast infection. Is there a smell about her? You could try and over the counter women's yeast infection cream but I don't know the dosage for that treatment as I've never had to do it. I'm sure some other people will chime in as well.

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