My pullet is dying, what do I do?

I don't think I will be able to get Corid. It's not exactly my choice to make whether or not my sick chicks get that. My mom has talked to a vet and we should be getting something that is apparently going to help. I will still try my best to get the Corid still. About the syringe thing, yes, that was my worry. I won't do that. I'll just be patient with her. Thank you.
It's good that your Mom is consulting the vet, I would follow the vet's instructions.
Keep us posted.
The vet may order Albon or sulfadimethoxine, which also can treat coccidiosis, but also can treat some other intestinal illnesses. It is just that Corid is sold over the counter without a prescription, is not an antibiotic, and is very safe to use. Let us know know how they get along, and glad that your mom has consulted your vet.
She passed. Thank you to everyone who said something and tried to help :hugs, if I ever encounter a chick like this again, I will know what the symptoms are and I will completely separate them from the flock, just to be safe.

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