My pullets keep pecking me

I have 3 dominiques and a barred rock from my original flock that I've never been able to break of this nasty habit.They will scurry off if I poke them back with a finger but never been able able to break them of it.None of my other chickens do it. These are spoiled brats demanding my attention and wanting treats but I can't say why yours do it.
Familiarity breeds contempt.

Have had this happen several times, mostly with hand fed chicks often as they come of age and get spunky. It's pretty easily curbed with calm and deliberate determination.

I peck them back, on the head or anywhere I can reach, with the tips of thumb and first 2 fingers, as hard and fast as many times as I can before they get away. Well, not hard enough to hurt them, just startle them and let them you mean business. That's what another chicken would do, so they understand that kind of communication.

If that doesn't work after a couple applications, I hold them down to the ground with my hand on their back until they submit....again firmly enough to get the job done but not hurt them....add a few finger pecks and/or tug on the feathers on the back of their neck.
Having the same issue. They peck jeans, mucking boots, and now thanks to you I know what to do. Thanks, aart.
@aart has it right again!
You were happy to 'spoil' them, and it's time to show them that they are being rude. Other chickens, including a broody hen, would let them know that this is not acceptable, by pecking just as aart recommends.
Some individual birds are just bolder than average, and might take frequent reminders before (almost) giving it up.
And I always were shoes or boots and jeans out there! Dressing appropriately has saved me from actual wounds many times.
Thanks, Mary (Folly's place). Like you, I'm covered with jeans and boots, but it still hurts.

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