My quail are molting and pecking each others to death


In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2020
Hi! My coturnix quail recently have lost their back feather (the part near their tail). From what I searched on Google, I think they are molting now. But these birds keep pecking each other on the bare skin (where the feather is lost) to death šŸ˜„ I don't know what to do. Any suggestions? (I keep them in a big big cage so I don't have any spare one now)
Thank you.
What size is your cage and how many birds do you have in it?
How many males and how many females?

Can you post a few pictures of your cage?
What size is your cage and how many birds do you have in it?
How many males and how many females?

Can you post a few pictures of your cage?
About 5m2. 14 girls and 2 boys. I don't have any photos now sorry, it is just like a box with wire net around.
Separate out the injured ones, clean them up and give them some peace and quiet for a day or two. I hope it's just irritation from moulting, but you'll be able to observe them better when they're separated.

Do they have places to hide? Do they have dirt boxes to bathe in? Both of those things might help.

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