My "Rare" EE Roo Chick


11 Years
Jul 5, 2008
Just got this little fellow today. One of the McMurray rare freebies. Just curious if anyone can tell what kind of breed he (most likely a he) is yet.
He's fatter and fluffier than my RIRs, NHRs, brown leghorns and Red stars...

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Yes, it does resemble an EE. It's coloring is throwing my off though. What color are its legs? Keep posting pics as "he" grows up. Like your brooder set up by the way. I can see a little girl that's having a lot of fun w/ the chickies!
I say EE

Not from the hatchery... one I hatched from eggs... but you can see the color....


I wish I could remember what color this one ended up being....
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EE even though he's supposed to be a rare chick? He's not a packing peanut. he's one of McMurray's rare exotic breeds that they say they will send along if you want one. I don't know...

He's got greyish legs. His back and head have brownish highlights and he's got small black dots around his eyes. He is mostly grey. He looks like the fur of a wild bunny. He's the cutest thing ever. Though I really like my chipmunk Leghorns too. Oh who am I kidding, I love them all. Now I know why they are addictive.

ETA: Oh! Your pic didn't show up at first. I would be very very happy if he's an EE... still, I didn't think EE's were rare, and he's supposed to be rare one. Maybe they are trying to pull a fast one on me.
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Yup, from what I remember seeing over the summer... LOTS of the rare chicks were EEs
I think they must have had a GOOD year
Huh, That's really funny considering that I thought EE's were not supposed to be rare. I *love* EE's... Was expecting something else, but hey, I am still happy.
My last order from McMurruy included one free rare chick and it looked just like that. It turned out to be a araucana cockrel. I guess they have lots of the males left when most people buy them for laying those funky eggs.
Yup I am pretty sure we have a boy. I am just thinking it is weird that they are saying rare and giving araucanas... I really didn't think that those were considered rare. *shrug* Like I said, I don't mind, just questioning their advertising. Or maybe I am wrong and they are rare.

I simply adore EEs, though so not complaining.

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