My Rhode Island Red Layed this...

So true.
The hen here that lays anywhere from 70 all the way to 120g eggs has constant problems.
All she knows is giant eggs, the downside is soft giant eggs, stuck giant eggs her butt's genetic code is nothing but a source of endless soaks and preparation H. :(
. Point well taken. I understand and will continue with my research especially in reference to production oddities. Thanks again. Keep clucking and educating us newbies.
Thanks and I totally understand it. Wouldn't want my body to mass produce like that on a regular or singular basis. Was just stunned by the situation... so I spoke out of turn. Going to monitor my texts in the future for empathy and compassion for owners and poultry alike. Thanks again fellow clucker. I appreciate it.
Hey, no harm no fowl! :lol: I know we all want the best for our chooks on here.
Interesting Fact: it also broke another egg... oof... also, Scarlett is my Rhode Island Red, one of my two pullets at the moment laying eggs. One more thing, it’s exactly 3 and a half inches longView attachment 1907065 View attachment 1907061
Hi there. That's one gigantic egg, sister:), even my Pekin ducks would be embarrassed to compete with it. Two of my RIR pullets have started dropping "quail" eggs; so I won't shame them or myself by any comparison with pics. However, my Red Stars would be "in the mix" - those girls are tuff with their jumbo eggs. I love them all and congratulate you on this dinosaur whopper. Keep up the egg-cellent output. You and your girl deserve a ribbon.
View attachment 1907698
I had one that large from my Plymouth Blue Rock and it was this triple yolk. Her next egg was a double yolk. Made for a full breakfast for the two of us.
WOW! That's crazy - three yolks? WOW!! What are you feeding them? Where do I purchase it? You've set my curiosity aflame. I'd like to buy some quickly. BTW - Thank you for the pics.
@Lisa G. Look!

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