My Rocks and Wyandottes are finally laying after 25 weeks!


9 Years
Feb 20, 2014
I have mixed feelings. I was really looking forward to a lot more eggs, a lot sooner, but I'm assuming that being dual purpose birds, maybe they take longer to lay? And it's not all of them yet, only 2 or 3 are consistently laying at the moment. Does anyone else have experience with these breeds? Do the eggs stay small and infrequent, or will they get bigger and more regular? Living in Virginia, I wanted to get birds that are tolerant of considerable heat as well as occasional temps below zero, and these two breeds seemed to fit the bill. Any input or advice is appreciated! :D
Wow, that's a lot sooner than mine. Wonder what's taken them so long to get going? They're free range/pastured, seriously, they have the whole yard to explore and enjoy, have an 8x8 shed with roosting bars and nest boxes, and they get regular layer feed and bird seed, too. Spoiled rotten is what their problem is. :D I love my rocks, too, so sweet and easy going. The wyandottes not so much... They're temperamental and skittish.
I didnt give mine layer feed till after they started laying. It was the first of February when we got them and the first one laid on May 13. My free ranged from just after they feathered out.
I have mixed feelings. I was really looking forward to a lot more eggs, a lot sooner, but I'm assuming that being dual purpose birds, maybe they take longer to lay? And it's not all of them yet, only 2 or 3 are consistently laying at the moment. Does anyone else have experience with these breeds? Do the eggs stay small and infrequent, or will they get bigger and more regular?
They may take longer, but 18-28 weeks is average for most breeds, so I'd say they are right on target. Pullets maturing to point of lay 4th quarter of the year, when sunlight is quickly decreasing, can be a bit slower to start.
All pullet eggs are smaller, they can take days, weeks, or months to get up to a 'large' size. How often a bird lays can vary greatly, some will lay 5-7 days a week, others only 3-5. You'll have to wait(yes, more waiting) to see what is 'normal' for your birds. 'Dual purpose' birds are not great at either egg or meat production.

My rocks took about 3.5 to 4 months to lay.
It was the first of February when we got them and the first one laid on May 13.
Hmmm.....that's awfully got them as day old chicks?
I hear you on the Wyandotte or “ fancy pants” as we call ours . I find them to be the mean girls of my chicken coop. Their eggs are large , cream and often pointy on both ends? Unusual.They started laying at 6 months /24 weeks.

Mine laid later and are sporadic even now at 2 years ...they look nice though ;(

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