My rooster get sick help me out

Can you please tell us about his symptoms - you mention it seems like Flu? Does he cough, sneeze, have mucous coming from his nostril, trouble breathing, facial swelling, watery eyes or bubbles in the eyes?
Is his crop empty or full?
Can you provide any photos of what he looks like and of his poop?
What country do you live in?

We will be happy to offer some suggestions, but having more information and photos is helpful.
When I watch tago at morning he's crop was not empty 😢😢😢😢
But nimba eat well but seems sick 😓
Had he had anything to eat/drink before you checked his crop?
What is Nimba doing that makes you think he's sick?

I would provide them with plenty of water to drink. Maybe soak their feed and see if that makes a difference.
Had he had anything to eat/drink before you checked his crop?
What is Nimba doing that makes you think he's sick?

I would provide them with plenty of water to drink. Maybe soak their feed and see if that makes a difference.
I will check tago crop tomorrow

I will provide full details
Nimba sit at one place and take sleep like sick
You mentioned beans being one of the things you feed your two roosters. Was that correct that they sometimes eat beans? If so, were the beans uncooked and dry?

Please answer. This could be what is making them sick.
You mentioned beans being one of the things you feed your two roosters. Was that correct that they sometimes eat beans? If so, were the beans uncooked and dry?

Please answer. This could be what is making them sick.
We called it beans
I'm only feed above and oats
Do you know if they have gravel or as we call it, grit? This is necessary for their crops and gizzards. Without it, the food won't get digested properly and they can become sick.

If they are outdoors most of the time, your soil may have gravel in it. You may need to collect a sample and look at it with a magnifying lens to see if the gravel has angular edges and is not rounded. Rounded edge gravel won't work as grit.
Do you know if they have gravel or as we call it, grit? This is necessary for their crops and gizzards. Without it, the food won't get digested properly and they can become sick.

If they are outdoors most of the time, your soil may have gravel in it. You may need to collect a sample and look at it with a magnifying lens to see if the gravel has angular edges and is not rounded. Rounded edge gravel won't work as grit.
They are good from babies
And I feed same feed from the beginning 😓😓😓😢
Can you do this - give each boy two big doses of oil. Coconut oil chilled to be solid is easiest to put into their beaks. Then gently massage each of their crops so the oil mixes in with the contents of the crop.
Do you live near a river or lake where there is sand and gravel by the water? If you can gather up some gravel that is between two and four millimeters wide, give that to the boys when you give them anything to eat and make it available to them along with their water.

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