My rooster has decided to sleep under the stars!

Well are you attaching food rewards coming from going INSIDE the coop (in order to get dinner)?

This is something not everyone does. But it does help me.
Yes, they have enough space, we have 5 older ones that are 13 weeks old, and 3 little ones that are 11 weeks old. The little ones sleep separate. So usually when we walk into the coop, 4 are on 1 roost, and 3 are on the other. Occasionally 2 pullets will sleep with the little ones, so Tino will sleep next to his Evil Queen, usually she is not with the younger ones, so it works out.
You might want to inspect the coop for poultry mites, fleas or other pests as this and ventilation issues often are the cause for not wanting to roost there at night.
I will do that, my other confusion is he perching in there durring the day, he perches, and looks out the window, he also throws little tantrums in the coop corner when he is unhappy. So I'm wondering if he just likes pitching up high. Here is an older pic, but he is on the post we took down, he usually just sits on the roof, or the other support beam. BTW, it is predator proof, there is hardware cloth over the chicken wire, but you can only see the chicken wire, so I thought I would say something.

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