My rooster is covered in black rough spots all over face

I'm just worried it is fowl pox. Does anybody think this could be what this is?
It does not look like fowl pox. Fowl pox starts out as pale blistery spots and then turns black as they dry out. It would not happen overnight. He's been fighting. Roo's can live together peacefully, until they don't. ANYTHING that upsets the pecking order can trigger fights.
Here are some pictures of fowl pox for comparison:

Okay I've just been worried about fowl pox. He has started eating and drinking now that I have him isolated. Is he just not eating because he was being bullied and hes in shock?
Okay I've just been worried about fowl pox. He has started eating and drinking now that I have him isolated. Is he just not eating because he was being bullied and hes in shock?
He is probably hurting.
Just give him a day or two to rest up.
My rooster actually looked worse - I wish I had a picture. In addition to scabs and crusts and weeping bloody wounds his wattles and part of his comb were badly bruised and almost black (which is why I thought he was septic at first). He was a little mottled Cochin and I guess his Napoleon syndrome didn't tell him to back off until he was badly beaten by my FBC Marans roo (who outweighed him by 8 lbs). But it healed amazingly quickly - that's what I love about chickens. Even the goriest awful wounds will heal up so fast. I hope your fellows settled their differences. Some roosters "get it" and others never learn.
My rooster actually looked worse - I wish I had a picture. In addition to scabs and crusts and weeping bloody wounds his wattles and part of his comb were badly bruised and almost black (which is why I thought he was septic at first). He was a little mottled Cochin and I guess his Napoleon syndrome didn't tell him to back off until he was badly beaten by my FBC Marans roo (who outweighed him by 8 lbs). But it healed amazingly quickly - that's what I love about chickens. Even the goriest awful wounds will heal up so fast. I hope your fellows settled their differences. Some roosters "get it" and others never learn.
Do you think its fowl pox?? Weve been leaving them out of coop at night could another animal have attacked him? Should we put them up at night?
Do you think its fowl pox?? Weve been leaving them out of coop at night could another animal have attacked him? Should we put them up at night?

Its definitely NOT fowl pox, the pics you provided are typical of a cock fight, they typically try and peck each other on the comb and wattles, ive had a cock before that had half his comb torn off by another, The blackness you can see is bruising.
Typically any other animal that attacks a chicken doesnt leave an injured bird behind, just a corpse or ten.
He will sulk and be timid for a while and fall in line behind the dominant male when he returns.
Be warned though, if he is stubborn and keeps going back for more you may have to rehome one of them.

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