My rooster is covered in black rough spots all over face


I just put neosporin on it and I have 4 roosters but they never seem to fight each other.
That's NOT FIGHTING. One or more aggressive birds are PINNING down and thinning the herd. Weaker males give completely up and will sit still while other eat the blood until the injuries become fatal.
The bird needs isolation for a few days.. kept from FLIES.
You might need to cull it or probably one or 2or all of the males that now are craving blood. Cannibal birds are no fun.
Sad, but the nature of the beast.
Okay thank you! Can I use peroxide on him? And is there any way I can cover it he keeps scratching it open.
No do not use peroxide.
And no you can't really wrap it.
Put him in a cage, with nothing in it that he can hurt himself on, until he heals.
Or just leave him alone.
Just my opinion but if you isolate him and then reintroduce it can make things worse. Or not. It’s just hard to tell. Every flock dynamic is different. For some, one fight is enough. For others, it’s a recurring thing until one or the other concedes defeat, or dies. That’s what cock fights are, after all. And that’s where pecking order comes in. They have to establish who is the dominant male between themselves and yes to us it seems brutal or like bullying but I don’t think so. Bullying for me is a chicken that continues to pick on another even after that other one has given up.

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