My rooster is lethargic, purple, green diarrhea and not eating or drinking


Aug 27, 2021
Since about one month ago he got purple, his crown, face and skin. I gave some medicine and he was better for a few days. I stopped the antibiotic and continued giving him turmeric. He was getting much better, almost normal, but always green poop or diarrhea.... but two days ago I guess the other roosters did beat him and since then he refuses food and water, only want hide in his box, want to sleep all the time and he is super purple and lethargic, stopedsingingin the morning.. Yesterday I found tiny tiny creatures moving in his feathers, can be it? What can I do to help him? He is about 10 years old. I love him so much. Please help. I've tried giving him probiotic with honey and little salt but he also refuses. He only eat something if I put in his beak :(
Dust your rooster with Permethrin dust and worm him with Safeguard liquid goat wormer.
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