MY ROOSTER IS REALLY SICK!! Might have to out him down!!!!!

Since you don't have an eye dropper, you could try a straw: dip it in the water, and hold your finger over the top so it stays in (like kids do when they're playing around at the dinner table). It would be easier to have someone help by gently prying open his beak, but it's possible to do it by yourself. Good luck.

hello what should i do if i cant cant make my sisters chiken all better we ahve treid everything i dont want to think of the last resorte please help sensrly zoe phelps

I've had many chickens over the years, and sometimes the sick ones just miraculously pull through - so I've never culled one that was ill. On the other hand, these things tend to work themselves out. More than once I've worked feverishly to save a beloved bird, only to wake up in the morning and find it deceased. We cry for awhile, have a burial, and time heals. I really hope you have a positive outcome, but time will tell. I'd just be sure to keep him warm and comfortable tonight...take comfort knowing you've tried your best.
I've never tried the straw trick to give water. That's a good idea. The other thing you can try if you don't have an eye dropper or syringe is a small spoon. You just want to put a very small amount of water in the beak and let him swallow it naturally.

What you don't want to do is have water run down his air way. That can happen if you're pouring in a lot of water or forcing it down them.

Dehydration can make them weak, feel lousy and not want to eat or drink, once it's bad enough. It just makes whatever was originally wrong, worse.

I hope he feels better soon.

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