Fungal infection or Respiratory issues of rooster with wry neck


5 Years
Oct 23, 2018
Hi everyone. For almost 2 months now, my rooster has been suffering from wry neck and weak legs. He also has a breathing issue.. if he stumbles even a little bit, he starts breathing heavily. His nose sounds completely stuffed. He head is almost down to the floor the entire time he is standing and he sleeps all the time. I've tried treating him with tetracycline in march, and then later on with doxycycline + enrofloxacin. We had to stop this combination after 2 days since he faces crop issues and aspirated.
But I want to understand how to treat him further. I cannot find a vet to guide me and have been reading up online only. But he needs treatment and I dont know what to give him.. I read that it could be fungal issues and there is some white flaky bits on his comb. How should I treat him? Please do guide me.
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Could you get a picture of him?

I'm not sure what to do for his respiratory issues, but I can help with the wry neck and weak legs. Get some B complex and vitamin E 400IU, and give him 1/2 a tablet of B Complex and a whole vitamin E daily, that should treat the wry neck and the weak legs.
What's wrong with his crop? Does it have trouble emptying?

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