Duck has green poop and not eating well


Nov 4, 2021

My two year old male pet duck Cheese has been having issues with eating for almost a week now. He is still eating but in very small amounts and it continues to decrease as the days go on. He used to devour his meal worms and now is barely touching them. He is drinking normally. As for defecating, I have noticed a decrease in the amount and a change in color. The color is green which is a major concern. As for his behavior he appears to be acting normally. There is no lack of energy or physical changes that I have seen. His eyes and bill nostrils are clear and his feet look good as well. I have been putting NutriDrench to assist. I am going to put some egg yolks mashed into his water so he can get his protein up. I am not sure what else I can do. I have called every local exotic pet vet in the area and they all have told me they are booked and taking care of critical animals in need. Does anyone have any ideas what may be going on with my little guy? :(


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@casportpony @Miss Lydia
What is he eating? If he's got a lot of greens in his diet green poop is to be expected. I can't quite tell the color from the pictures, but if it's more yellowish sometimes it's related to infection or toxins... but at that point I would expect to see more lethargy or other issues pop up.

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