My rooster keeps attacking me!!!!1

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Because I wont give Up u might but I wont I work hard and keep going. Cooking him says ur giving up because u cant handle the problem the right way and I needed more info on other tips. People u cant handle there rooster do that . I came here for info ,Not to get insulted
I'm sorry. We are trying to help and you are throwing insults around. Again, not giving up, just not putting up with unnecessary behavior. If you're just going to wack him with a stick then just cull him. That's how to handle a rooster that attacks more than once. What you're doing shows that you are giving up. It's not giving up. It's the best thing to do. Better than what you're doing anyway.
I'm sorry. We are trying to help and you are throwing insults around. Again, not giving up, just not putting up with unnecessary behavior. If you're just going to wack him with a stick then just cull him. That's how to handle a rooster that attacks more than once. What you're doing shows that you are giving up. It's not giving up. It's the best thing to do. Better than what you're doing anyway.
First of all, we are trying to help you. Stop insulting us because we aren't telling you what you want to hear. You came here for advice. That's what we're giving you. Second of all, please try to spell correctly. You seem very childish. And lastly, it's not like what you're doing is going to help either. Might as well cull him.
Calling any of us babies isn't respectful or nice. We are trying to help. Your way isn't going to work. At all. Ever. You are insulting us. A lot of us. You are being insulted because of what you think is a good way to fix this problem. Your problem. Wacking him with a stick? That isn't going to solve anything. You're the one asking us for advice. We gave you what you asked and you insult us? Saying that what we do is "giving up"? It's your problem. Let us know how it goes with your technique.
Ngl hitting a rooster with a stick sounds like animal abuse... and it's not self-protection if that's how you plan on "solving your problem"
You have posted TEN eleven times in the last half hour, and the original poster has not said ANYTHING during that time. All the things you are criticizing have been pointed out already. Yes, OP said a lot of things with problems, but they are all pretty much the same problem (over and over), so correcting them over and over won't help much.

And there's a few other people doing the same thing, just not quite as much yet.
Here is my solution, If you paid a lot of money for your rooster then sell it, and then with that money, you could either buy a rooster of a breed that has a good reputation ( Barred Rocks, Orps, etc.) as a chick handle it a lot like spending lots of time with it and holding it and playing with it or buy it as an adult but make sure it's friendly
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