My rooster keeps attacking me!!!!1

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so somthing thats 5 times smaller than u attacks u and then u just give up like a baby and just proccess hm thats not how u do it because whos going to fetilize ur eggs???
Give up like a baby.... we’re trying to help and you’re throwing insults?
It’s actually the right thing to do. Once a rooster starts attacking, it’s usually too late to make them stop. Small has nothing to do with it; the 2 inch razor sharp turned in spurs are the threat. Roosters are definitively not small to a young child being attacked and can cause permanent damage.
please don’t be an ass when someone is trying to help you. You’re just as disrespectful as your rooster.
As stated, these are animals, they don't have human emotions, so you can't equate their behavior the same way. You need to think/act like a roo. You are a big roo coming in to attack or take/breed his hens. You need to be the dominant roo and either take him out(freezer camp) or take him down (put him in submission). I normally will take mine out... but this roo is so pretty and I want to keep him around for a while. So, I grabbed the feathers behind his head, and grabbed his body, and held his head and body firmly to the ground for a good minute. He hasn't gone after me since, but, I know he's thinking about it. I have two other roos he can duke it out with so it gives them something to do.
Give up like a baby.... we’re trying to help and you’re throwing insults?
It’s actually the right thing to do. Once a rooster starts attacking, it’s usually too late to make them stop. Small has nothing to do with it; the 2 inch razor sharp turned in spurs are the threat. Roosters are definitively not small to a young child being attacked and can cause permanent damage.
please don’t be an ass when someone is trying to help you. You’re just as disrespectful as your rooster.
Not to mention their beak can do damage. When I was a kid one literally got a small chunk out of my calf. Knowing when a rooster is a lost cause isn't giving up, it's being responsible.
I’ve had a couple nasty roos and several very sweet roos. Culling a nasty one isn’t giving up, it is saving yourself a whole lot of trouble and a potential lawsuit. If you have an aggressive roo that attacks a neighbor/child/visitor, prepare for trouble. Especially with small children! Believe it or not, that animal that is 5 times smaller than you CAN cause serious injuries and potentially even death to a small child. If you really want to stick with this rooster, DON’T hit him or defend yourself. In his eyes this makes you something he can fight. You’ll just be throwing gas on the fire. Instead “fight” him in a way he has no clue how to retaliate to. Every time you walk into the coop, pick him up and hold him tightly. This puts him in a position of submission and humiliates him in front of his hens. He may be too old to get this lesson, but it is your best chance of stopping this aggression without culling him.
well something with the instinct to attack when they think there flock is in danger or threat idk what rooster u have most I have delt with are like that
A rooster constantly chasing after you to attack you at any moment is not taking care of his flock or protecting them while doing so. On the contrary, he is distracted and not watching out for the real dangers to his flock.

Some roosters are just too dense to know the difference between the caretaker and a real threat, so not worth the effort of trying to "tame" him.
More specifically, you can try chasing him from the coop as soon as you enter. Bring a broom or something. If he tries to come back in while you are doing your chores, shoe him with the broom. Feed your girls and elt them eat and stuff and you be around them showing the rooster you are the boss. When you are feeling comfy, let him back in. If he goes for you, chase him back out, If he ignores you, you are making progress.

Other people suggest when he comes at you to grab him and sort of hold him on the ground a minute. Let him up. Repeat until he ignores you. Others carry them around like footballs.

A quick use of the forum search feature will yield you many results on the various opinions of taming down a rooster. Good luck with your bird!

ETA: I am not against the use of moderate force when dealing with a hormonal male animal, but being prepared with a kinda soft broom tip will keep him farther from you, and minimize accidental injury with a quick, reaction based karate chop like slap.
These tactics don’t work. They just create a dynamic of constancy discord and battle in the chicken run. Chasing a rooster down and holding him does not work. It just reinforces that you are indeed a threat. They need to be taught to respect you, not fear you.
These tactics don’t work. They just create a dynamic of constancy discord and battle in the chicken run. Chasing a rooster down and holding him does not work. It just reinforces that you are indeed a threat. They need to be taught to respect you, not fear you.
Any applicable techniques for that?

I tend to agree but thought offering OP some advice instead of broad ethical things may be helpful. I was wrong lol, but for my own edification, how do you instill respect in a rooster then?
Yea you got it man. :rolleyes: You honestly sound like a neanderthal. If you got it all figured out in that big ol' brain of yours, why come on here and ask for help? You could be spendin this time chokin your dam chicken. :duc:smack
Because I wont give Up u might but I wont I work hard and keep going. Cooking him says ur giving up because u cant handle the problem the right way and I needed more info on other tips. People u cant handle there rooster do that . I came here for info ,Not to get insulted
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