My rooster keeps attacking me!!!!1

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Because I wont give Up u might but I wont I work hard and keep going. Cooking him says ur giving up because u cant handle the problem the right way and I needed more info on other tips. People u cant handle there rooster do that . I came here for info ,Not to get insulted
You're the one calling us babies for being responsible.

We've given advice and you insist on arguing with us.
thats what I mean thtey not hoing to hurt me at my house meaning my property im thinking of making a cardboard shield and getting a stick a wacking him everytime I go to get there eggs
Not a good idea. The bird will think of the shield and stick as something bad and will keep attacking. I would get rid of him and find another male. If you are looking for a certain breed do a little research and find someone who has the breed you're looking for. If there are any poultry shows in your area you may be able to hook up with a breeder that will sell you a nice male. I hatch out hundreds of chicks every year of which around half will be males. I carefully pick out the ones I want to use as future breeders and sell the rest. I can't keep them all. My males are all good boys. You can either train your male or use other options. Smacking him isn't a good option. If someone started smacking you, I'm sure you would fight back. In my opinion that's just going to make him more aggressive. I have had a very few aggressive ones. I picked them up and carried them around tucking their head to their chests. When they struggled I kept holding them until they stopped. Each time they showed aggression I would pick them up and repeat the procedure and eventually they stopped. Not sure if this would work every time but it did for me. There are several articles on BYC on dealing with aggressive cockerels/roosters. Good luck...
I dont have time for that and if i dont counterattack then hes basically bulling me and thats showing weakness so he will keep atackking me forever because he knws he can always attack me and I will not doanything
There it is, don't give him time to attack you first. If you go into the run just walk calmly straight at him and through him, so he has to move out of your way and continue doing so until he runs off. If you do this every time you enter the run/coop, he will probably get the message and stay out of your way.

No hitting with sticks or slapping or otherwise aggressive or animal abusive actions needed. And don't get angry, stay calm and cool like a boss.
Any applicable techniques for that?
Yes, I just let them know from the beginning and observe their behavior. We played the taming game with an aggressive rooster and it made things worse. Now I just go into each cockerel raising with a different attitude, like the one you would have when dealing with an aggressive dog. I carry myself in a confident way, and will even put my arms out at my sides just to make sure he knows I’m bigger, dominant and not scared at all. I’m basically taking the role of the dominant rooster. I never chase them down or hold them down / just move through the coop with confidence and I observe. You’d be amazed how many things you can prevent by picking up on small dominant cues. A lot of people mistake their roosters for being playful or wanting attention and they don’t realize they are feeding an issue by responding like certain behaviors are cute. Especially the people who raise their roosters as chicks and want them to remain cuddly and sweet. That’s an open invitation to be dominated by a rooster as it matures. IMO a cuddly rooster is a worthless rooster. I want my Roos to be confident and strut around and do their rooster thing; just as long as you respect me when I come around. Getting out of my way is good enough for me.
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