My rooster won’t crow or breed


Dec 13, 2020
My rooster Peepers isn’t breeding or crowing and his brother Inky is, I know he’s a male because he is old enough to tell his hairdo is exactly like rooster pics and he sounds like a male but I monitor him fairly often and he has never crowed, I don’t know why or what to do about it!
My rooster Peepers isn’t breeding or crowing and his brother Inky is, I know he’s a male because he is old enough to tell his hairdo is exactly like rooster pics and he sounds like a male but I monitor him fairly often and he has never crowed, I don’t know why or what to do about it!
How old is he?
Please post some photos.

If there is another cockerel that is crowing and mating/the more dominant of the two, then Inky is probably staying quiet for good reason (not to get beat up). You may find that the 2 get along o.k. or they may eventually fight for dominance - it's a toss up with roosters.

Do you need 2 roosters? How many pullets/hens do you have?
Try not to worry too much. He's probably not broken. It sounds like he's just a comfortable underling from the description. My two Phoenix roosters did the same thing. Shippo would occasionally crow and try to mate but Inuyasha was silent as the grave. There'd be a strange raspy raptor-like noise from him every now and then and he'd take off running but that was it.

We lost Shippo about a week and a half ago and overnight Inuyasha starting courting the ladies. He still hasn't crowed, but I won't be surprised when he cracks off the first one. :)
My underling males will court occasionally (and sometimes get lucky depending on where the head honcho is and how polite to the ladies they are) but they almost never crow until the lead male is gone

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