My rooster's leg problem (Pics)


8 Years
May 20, 2011
San Antonio Texas
This is the story of a rooster named pumpkin! He was born with all of his toes curled in, and just slid across the floor of his brooder causing sores on his legs. I left to stay with my grandparents over the Thanksgiving holiday and lordy be he was standing! But not everything was good, hes toes could no longer curl, he couldnt lay down correctly, and he could never perch. 6 Months later he is still alive, but soon may be eaten, thats what we are raising him for. But I want some answer if anyone knows what he has, I've done research but no avail. I have some pictures and I hope you kind people of BYC can give me a few answers!!!





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His tail feathers look twisted to me. I can't say one way or another what he has, other than a birth defect, but there is no way I could eat him, after he has fought and learned to live with his disabilities. But, I have hard time eating anything I have raised.
Yeah see he's not my rooster, I shouldnt have put that.... Im raising him for someone else, and if I would have let him go home, he would have died alot sooner. He can't mate, and he's 6 months and no crowing, hes pretty much useless to who Im raising him for. Im only allowed one rooster and I've picked out a Silkie for that. I do think its a birth defect too, poor little guy

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