My school is not understanding

i wish i had the aggie school that would be so cool i know people who go to them from 4-h. I wanted to start a ffa program at my school but that didnt work out so good oh and thank you soonerdog and everyone else for that matter lol
at least you have the 4H program.
When I was in grade school there was none. I was the outcast then. only kid in the school that wanted to take horse back riding lessons and would have rather cleaned the stalls than play soft ball, soccer or hang out someplace "cool" like the mall.

dont worry. it gets easier. And in the future all those people will be looking to YOU to help them out.
there are a lot of ignorant people in this world try not to let it bother you, frankly I think there is nothing cooler than a farmer (or construction worker/carpenter) and my SO and late husband feels/felt the same way! Highschool is such a small part of your life and such a small fish bowl. I promise it will go quickly and then when you are out you will see that the real world is nothing like high school.
Having an aggie school doesn’t mean you wouldn’t get picked on. I attended and aggie high school with FFA and 4-H clubs but because I was the daughter of a farmer I still got picked on. The right thing to do is not to pay any attention to them, do your best in high school and if you are still interested in being a farmer there are a lot of great colleges out there. I didn’t become a farmer right away but when I retire from my chosen career I plan on buying some land and starting a hobby farm for something to do.
Sweet. I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you.
No worries, then.

When it comes time to go to college, are you thinking about Michigan State University? They have a REALLY good agriscience program.
I work in a school and have a farm. You should see some of the looks I get from parents and colleages when they find out I have goats and chickens. Of course we are fairly rural with some influx from the bigger cities.

I have a Case knife at home. It's a Sodbuster. Engraved on the side it says, "Don't Cuss A Farmer With Your Mouth Full"

I am thinking of going to UNH (cuz in state is cheaper so i have herd) They have the thompson school of agriculture and i would probably take the winter semester off and go to the OK school of horse shoeing than go back to UNH.
Keep in mind that by your 10th year high school reunion the "cool" kids that are calling you names and being hateful will likely be going bald, have pot bellies and be working dead end jobs they hate. They are peaking right now in high school. How sad for them. The coolest adults I know were a little different in high school. They all marched to their own beat and developed interests outside of the norm. They turned into very successful adults. Go you for being your own person!

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