My son update Pg 3

Prayers sent!
Thanks so much all. We had a really big scare today. He woke up this morning with a headache, then complained about his vision and he started throwing up. Of course, he's vomited a lot since the surgery, but when it doesn't stop it's a huge concern. We called his surgeon who asked us to come in to the ER. The gave him some fluids and medication to stop the vomiting, and monitored him for a few hours, but thankfully we think it is just a little bug and he got to come home again. Since he was quite stable, they decided not to do a cat scan today, because we already have a MRI scheduled for Wednesday. They felt that if they could avoid the extra radiation, they would.

I really appreciate the kind thoughts and prayers. They really mean a lot to me. In fact, the well wishes and prayers of friends, family and even strangers feel like a lifeline right now. We are so thankful. The tumor was so large, we are lucky he is alive, we are lucky he is so functional. 10 years ago the outcome would probably have been different.

Thanks again.
wildeflowers I am thankful it was something simple and not a complication. Not that being sick is an easy thing for him I am sure. Whatever life lines you need, always rely on your family, friends, other mothers and even we complete strangers for comfort.

May I ask your son's name? I would like to ask the Creator to specifically take him in his loving care and heal him. Tell your son we are all encouraging him to continue healing and be strong again.

Just wanted to post an update. My son is doing really well. He's been up and walking around, pestering his sister a bit, and his home tutoring is going well. Life is starting to attain a BIT of normalcy. We saw his neurosurgeon on Wednesday, and he's keeping a close eye on his drain site, as it's not completely healed yet. He also expressed some concern for the swelling, as it's not gone down much. If it does not get better, he will have to get a shunt, which would be permanent. I am having a really hard time with this, as having a shunt would mean a lot of limits in his life. He just does not deserve such a thing after all this. Of course, it didn't help that our home nurse, who is usually a lovely person, made a face when I told her about what the surgeon said, and started to try to tell me that she felt he was going to have to have one. I swear, I had to stop her. I can not hear this from her right now and the only person I want to discuss this with is the surgeon.

On a brighter note, our babies are back! My friend dropped them off yesterday. They've grown so much and we're really happy to have them back. Now if I could just get an egg from our big girl!
Wildeflowers the nurse needs to be positive, encouraging and not bringing you down. Keep faith because only the Creator knows what will need to be and he will guide the surgeon in decisions and guide your son in healing.


for getting the babies need to share a pic of the girls in this thread for us to see.
Thanks, Cetawin. I agree, she was really dancing right on that line they are not supposed to cross. I have been so upset all day over this.

I really think the surgeon brought it up to sort of get me accustomed to the idea. They are absolutely wonderful at helping parents and families adjust to bad news at our hospital, but sometimes it's very obvious what they are doing, at least if you are pretty accurate at picking up on stuff like that. He is going to give it some time, so I will just keep praying that it resolves. With all my heart and soul, I'll be praying. I find that I can't really post on my son's site about this either, because I am trying to keep it as positive as possible. I know some of his friends are reading it and I don't want them to get scared. I fell like I have NO ONE to talk to. My husband is in complete denial about everything, quite frankly, and I understand where he is and why, so I'm trying to not be upset about him, too.

I will try to get a pic of the girls tomorrow, but for now you can see their day old pics on my old thread...

Unfortunately, my friend's hubby lost one of the Dominiques, so we are down to nine, but they are still awfully cute!
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In our culture, men are taught to act that way from the time they can walk. They often take these things very hard, but it's difficult to see their reaction, they tend to get very knotted up inside and not be able to show it. You will only see them 'slip up' once in a while. Often it comes as a real surprise. Sometimes you will see men react more by a sudden loss of temper - yelling at a clerk in a store or a bank teller, something like that.
I wish the very best for your son and his recovery.
So glad you got your birds back too, it helps getting things back to "normal" so you guys can live your life.

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