My Son Was Bit By A Dog


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
It was his own fault.

Once a week, he participates in a bus ministry with another church. The man who runs the ministry is very sweet and cares a lot about the kids that take part. They go to different neighbors and offer rides to anyone who can't get to church.

Today, they got out of the bus and was standing by a six foot tall fence. A large german shephard was jumping at the fence, standing on his hind legs and snarling. My son's friend said that the dogs hair was standing on end so high that he looked like a lion. OF course, that was probably hyperbole but it does show that this was an unfriendly dog.

For reason that I don't know, my 17 year old, normally mature, intelligent boy decided to reach over the fence to pet the dog. Why?

Of course the dog bit him. Luckily it was only a small part of his upper palm that was bitten. My brother is a PA and told him to come into the office for a tetanus shot and some antibiotics just to be safe.

I feel like doing this.
to my son. He has good grades and is a smart child. Where was his common sense?

On a slightly funny note. when he arrived home from bus ministry, Chris ran in and said that the man who runs the ministry needed to talk to me about how stupid my son was. He had apparently sprinted ahead fof the man so that he could prepare me.

The man did not say that my son was stupid. He did say that he saw my son stretch out his hand but he assumed that my son was too smart to touch the dog.
Apparently not.
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I have had 3 boys, all over 17 now (thank God!) and I still don't know why they do some of the things they do! My nephew wins the prize, though...he almost set himself on fire! No idea how, he wouldn't admit it, so it must have been really stupid!
He is a monk now, so stupid boys can turn out alright...if they live long enough!
That is my goal, just to keep him alive long enough to gain some common sense.
Please be sure to check that the dog has had rabies vaccines. I was bitten by an unvaccinated german shepherd when I was 7 or 8. An excruciating ordeal. Still afraid of big dogs! Just to be safe, you really should check. Hope he has learned his lesson, and will use better judgement in the future.
Trip to the doc would be a good idea. Prophylactic antibiotics and a tetanus shot are usually standing orders for these type of things.

Best of luck

Oh never mind.....just read the "brother is a PA part" LOL!
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chickensducks&agoose :

Please be sure to check that the dog has had rabies vaccines. I was bitten by an unvaccinated german shepherd when I was 7 or 8. An excruciating ordeal. Still afraid of big dogs! Just to be safe, you really should check. Hope he has learned his lesson, and will use better judgement in the future.

Already checked. The dog had his rabies.
The nurse told my son that he was lucky that the dog wasn't a stray.​
I wonder if your son was dared by somebody to reach over the fence or was he possibly trying to impress a girl? Teenagers are stuck between two worlds: childhood and adulthood. They do silly things as they learn right from wrong. Bless their hearts.
No, he was just being stupid. LOL
Not that I wouldn't put it pass him to try and impress a girl but there wasn't one there.

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