My son was right! Scary!!

Wow, you're right. It does look exactly like a knife, I didn't notice that before! I wouldn't normally ask, but since you brought it up, do you mind sharing the story of your sisters? Was your step mother murdered as well? What do you experience that tells you they are there? Only if you don't mind sharing, I certainly do not mean to pry.

I'm sorry I just checked this thread again and saw your question, I don't mind sharing some of the story.
In January of 1978 two men that lived down the street broke into the house because one of them had hit on me and I rebuffed him, I was 14, not interested. My Step dad and his wife had split up and she had taken the girls to CA and they were back to finalize things, it wasn't common knowledge at the time. The girls were raised with me, they were step sisters, just a lot younger than me, I called them my sisters. The two men broke in to "teach me a lesson". I wasn't there so they shot and killed the mom, and then raped, sodomized, and murdered my two little sisters, they were 8 and 6 at the time. I had stayed at my grandparents that night because I was sick. I woke up during the night because I thought the 6 year old was pulling my blankets telling me to get up, that she needed me, I heard it over and over but was in a dream state where you feel like you are waking up but can't? She was really urgent though and kept saying "I need you! I need you!!" I woke up and was alone and it scared me. Two hours later I woke up because my step dad called and said he couldn't get an answer over at the house, could I go over there and see if they were awake. It was across the street so I got up, got ready for school and went over there. The front door was open, the radio up full blast, the tv on full blast, all the lights were on so I started calling their names and no one answered. I walked down the hall to wake up the girls and found my step mom's body with the mattress pulled off of the bed over her, and both little ones were put in the youngest girls bed and the covers pulled up just like they were sleeping. I ran out of the house and told my grandparents what I found and then like an idiot I got on the school bus for a 20 mile ride to high school.

After that, about 2 days later I was woken up by the youngest again and she was telling me that it wasn't my fault, it was those men's fault, and she was trying to tell me who did it but didn't know their names. I only stayed a couple of nights in that house in the years my mom and he lived there, I couldn't handle it at night at all but could be there in the daylight. I would feel the girls climb into my lap in the living room to read to them like I used to. I would find things moved that had been theres that were put away, they would put them back out. One night I came home late from a football game and was supposed to check the house for my parents who were truck drivers, before I went to bed so I pulled into the driveway. Two of my friends were with me and we sat in the truck looking at the house and I thought I saw someone looking out the dining room window, moving the curtain. The two with me knew the story of what had happed there just a couple of years earlier and they kept saying the felt like we shouldn't go in, that something was wrong. I told them to wait in the truck and I got out and walked up to the front door. When I went to put my key in the door it was like something was blocking the key slot and I couldn't unlock the door, the key wouldn't go in. I heard in my head someone saying "Don't go in, don't go in, don't do in!" Over and over. I started to go to the gate on the side of the house to try the back door and I couldn't lift the latch to open it, it's just a regular chain link latch you lift and push the gate open but it was like it welded in place and wouldn't open. So I turned back towards the truck and started to walk back to tell them what had happened and I suddenly just had the panicked urge to run like the devil was after me so I did, jumped in the truck and we went across the road to my grandparents and literally ran across the yard and into the house. We were all three panicking, hysterical and just in pieces. I told my grandparents what had happened and they called the SO who knowing the history responded very rapidly were there within 15 minutes. They went over to the house, took my house key had no trouble opening the door, and one went in the front while the other went around to the back of the house, again no trouble with the gate. They found the back sliding glass door open and someone had broken into the house. I think the girls kept us from harm that night, and that more than likely whomever had broken in was still in there when we pulled up to check the house out.

When my grandmother passed away here at home I was on the road to Midland. I was about halfway there when I heard a voice in my head say "Call Gramma".. I got to Midland and the local PD was waiting at my hotel for me, my grandmother had sat down to watch her soap opera after I left and passed away peacefully, dozing in her chair, the time was right about when I heard someone tell me to call her.

The one time that I heard both girls together was in the not to far past, I was contemplating something I shouldn't have been and I very distinctly heard the older one say "We love you but we aren't ready to see you" the youngest one said "There was a reason you weren't home the night we died, and you haven't fulfilled that reason",,, it shook me up, a lot. I feel them around me so often I'm used to it.
Wow. I think that is possibly the saddest, worst thing I've ever heard. I am so sorry that you and your family had to go through that. I really hope that those men got what was coming to them. Sounds like the girls have good advice for you though, wonder what your 'purpose' is?
chickensducks&agoose :

I've blown up plenty of lightbulbs in my day as well... streetlights were my favorite, I'd pass, and POP, out they'd go. freaked my friends out.

I do the streetlight thing all the time too! Usually when I'm in an intense mood, could be good or bad. I once shut off a microwave by looking at it.​
WriterofWords, I am just floored by that story.

You are a seriously tough cookie.
My step-dads grandparents are still in his house, I'm not one for ghost stories and I never really have believed but after living in my step-dads house I don't judge lol There have been several "encounters" and even one where my daughter who was 2 at the time came and told all of my family that there was a man in the room of course there wasn't, not one we could see anywyas... We had all had experience with this "man" she spoke of, it was never a negative one so we weren't shocked by it, although how much she liked him did shock us. He plays with the bathroom sink and turns hot water on and off but that's about it, you can feel it in the air and around the hosue but it's always a calming feeling, never a creppy or negative one. So strange.
I am not only impressed by the story, but the amount of strength it took - to tell it.

Thank you

You are a seriously tough cookie

Thank you, I'm a product of my youth I guess. After posting I did a little searching on the Internet and was fairly shocked at the amount of information I could find on the crime after all this time. One of the men died in the Sante Fe prison riot in 1980 and the other is in Joliet as of October 2009, they move him regularly, he was here at Southern NM until a guard told me about it and I complained we weren't notified he was back in this area. He's escaped maximum facility prisons 3 times, now he's too sick to even try from what I hear,,, he's dying of Hepatitis.​
Well if your youth was filled with forward thinking people, then I would say "yes". I know many people who have had far less things happen to them and they use those events as a reason to "get stuck" in life. You however, have not allowed that to happen and you have become a productive member of society - in spite of it.

Good for you, we can all take a lesson from that.
Just read through this thread. Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories.

Sarah- good luck. Like CoyoteMagic said they won't hurt you if you do have spirits in the house or that are haunting you. They could make your life unpleasant though.
I think your sister's just might be your Guardian angles now, I just read this story and the post about blue and nugget you were blessed to own such a great rooster He reminded me of the rooster that just walking into our farm in Texas and stayed he was huge we could never figure out what he was but he would sit by me under the pecan tree to get petted I loved that rooster. when he was killed by 2 other rooster that our neighbor's owned but I could still hear his crow and would see him sometimes just walking around checking everything out.
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