My soon to be rooster isvery jumpy lately


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2017
My chick is 7 weeks now and its going to be a he :D
Lately he jumps funny .. When he is in its cage and the box inside I hear him hitting the sides of the box due to sudden movements... When I let him out of the cage he jumps funny out of no where .. So is it normal or is there something bothering him?!
"Jumps funny" can mean a lot of things. It would help if you provided a bit of context to give us a better clue as to what constitutes "funny".

A video would be a huge help.

My initial impression is that your chick craves some room to move around and explore his new world. How about letting him out of that cage for starters?
I let him out a an hour a day or less ..
His cage is 120*70 cm and a box on its side inside of the cage that he sleeps in whenever he likes and other stuff he sits on .ooh and a stuffed animal ...
Tomorrow when I let him in my room I'll see what he does exactly .. I'll even try to film it.

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