My Stucco chicken coop, on the works..........

This is one killer coop. I can't wait to see it finished. The photos, both Nava's and Nifty-Chicken's, of father and son working together, now that's what it's all about!
I so LOVE this!!!! Great job everyone!
well Nat all you have to do is move down here
want me to add you to the wants to be a Floridian in the FL thread?

You wicked, evil woman! How dare you tease us with that absolutely beautiful, dream of a coop?! :lol

It looks wonderful! I am going to have to visit you if I can even talk my hubby into a vacation to FLA.
You said something about color, Your house looks like it has an orangey look. I would go with something like a rusty, chile pepper type color. Or if it would go with the house, because I am mistaken on its color, one called "Fresh Celery" from Home Depot. Then again, I love greens. My chicken tractors coops are a light green and will have a kind of capauccino trim. Can you tell I have a thing for names of foods? Yup, that is me!
This is an absolutely outstanding coop project. Nice to see something well built both structurally and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The craftsmanship it outstanding!
thank you, we are far from good crafstmans here but thanks, we are just amateurs.
Nava....when I saw you were the recent poster I was all excited thinking I was seeing new photos! So...uh....anything new? And yes this coop is the bomb. Ridiculously cool for a chicken coop.
Hahaha, Ok was not going to post this yet but I'll give you a peak
can you believe it?

can you imagine, that was the price to have the doors in the coop, and I would get to stain them

the tallest door is 4' X 20" and the other 3 are the back door 18X15 and the 2 windows are 16X12
after all this time waiting and he pulls this, well I said forget it.

DH went to Lowe's bought some wood and a bit for the router and made one tonight and still had Extra wood to do another door
Oak wood 16" X 48" $ 14
router bit set $ 36 total $ 50 and that's 2 doors

well here is the pic out of a door Mag. we like it and made our chicken doors like them * we had never made any doors *
sorry I had to take out the flash, cause the reflection was too much

and here is the carver piece of wood, had to take the pic sideways, cause from the front was hard to see the carved lines, it will be better when we stain it. door is 18" X 15"

sorry for taking so long,
What an awesome looking door you made! You could pound brads into the face of it to get the same look as the mag too...
I will just be lucky if my doors end up hanging straight!

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