My super fancy watering system ;)

I wanted to update you all on a little pit-fall that I have found with this waterer. We've been using this waterer for a while now and I am finding that it's very hard to clean. Everything settles around the neck of the bottle, in the part that is just about impossible to to reach. If I had a plastic base I would be able to use ACV, but right now as it is with a metal base, that wouldn't be a good idea. Not sure if water type as made things worse for us.... we have a cistern, so it's completely untreated rain water. And, the only spot in the run that it fits is in the sun for most of the day. For now we switched to a hanging waterer that is all plastic. If I can find a plastic xmas tree base though we may go back to my homemade version!
omg I love it!!! I will be 'scratching' one of these togeather too! Its perfect for out in the run... and I can even see when the water level gets low :D excellent idea!

I was consider doing almost the same thing year ago. My idea is using the 5gal bucket with 6-8 holes and put 5gal from water tank up side down on top. Issue is the water will get dirty so end up making nipple water system instead. If you consider taking a long trip 3-4 weeks, the water nipple system do work much better. It also keep the algae down.
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We used a 5 gal bucket with a lid. Hubby drilled two one inch holes at the bottom, one on each side. We fill it through the holes and flip it into a rubber animal feed bowl. The bowl sits up on two round stepping stones, and the sides are high enough that once I put it out in the run, it will stay pretty clean. Right now, it is in the coop, and the downfall is that their favorite place to dust bathe is right next to it, so it gets full of dust.
I am in love with this idea. I absolutely hate buying stuff. Another way to keep the algae to a minimum might be to paint the bottle opaque white to block the UV. You could even use a strip of tape vertically before you paint to leave a "window" so you can monitor the water level.

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