My suspicions were correct!

Chicks Galore3

Artistic Bird Nut
11 Years
Dec 16, 2011
I was wondering if my 6 week old bantam golden sebright was a boy....with his already red comb and all....I was about to post pictures here on BYC when lo and behold - He crowed! It sounded somewhat of a mix between a dying cricket and a sick ostrich.
I am actually VERY happy to have him! I had to get rid of my old rooster because he was mean. This little guy is so nice compared to my old one, even at 6 weeks. So here's to hoping and praying Little Fella turns out to be NICE!
Haha! :lol: I love those ill' Sebrights. Once I went over to an agricultural school's chicken enclosure, and I had their little Golden Sebright rooster sitting in my lap being pet for about 15 minutes. :D I hope your chick turns out to be a good rooster.
I was wondering if my 6 week old bantam golden sebright was a boy....with his already red comb and all....I was about to post pictures here on BYC when lo and behold - He crowed! It sounded somewhat of a mix between a dying cricket and a sick ostrich.
I am actually VERY happy to have him! I had to get rid of my old rooster because he was mean. This little guy is so nice compared to my old one, even at 6 weeks. So here's to hoping and praying Little Fella turns out to be NICE!
Would love to see a picture of him!
That's too funny!!! I wonder if I go take pictures of mine and tell them I'm going to post on BYC if that will inspire any Roos to step forward for me!! Lol
See I have 10 week old Orpingtons and a few have some taller combs but I'm fairly certain they are hens. Nobody is crowing, all combs and wattles are light pink and their wattles growth is minimal compared to what the roosters look like the lady still has that are their age (plus hers are crowing already!).
See and thats the hard part is some people say with their Orps you could tell by 4-6 weeks and others say they still couldn't until after. I keep looking at pictures and scouring the internet and BYC for old threads with photos. I have some that are suspicious but they just don't scream rooster. It's driving me bonkers!
Yup I've heard the other side of the story too. Orps CAN be hard to sex. I have another I am keeping my eye on that might be a rooster and yes, it is hard to wait!!!
It's an utter pain in the rear!! The woman I bought them from said when I bought them that she would exchange any roosters sold as hens upon discovery. I am going to see her tomorrow and bringing two of my birds I believe strongly to be roosters and see what she says. I may be wrong of course but I am hoping she admits mine are Roos and exchanges them. I believe 3/6 are Roos now. One I am willing to keep. I am super nervous for tomorrow!! Good luck!!

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