My tailess Call duck Story, (graphic pics included)

Lacrystal, Lame duck broke her leg. She started with a cut that got infected and I didn't notice until she started to hobble on it. It was hot and swollen so I separated her from the flock. She was miserable, so I put her back after about 2 weeks and I think the boys were too rough with her, and she ended up with a broken leg. Separate again, and once she was better, I put her back. She is now a reverse dalmation in looks due to male harassment, and her leg is shriveled up and useless. She gets picked up and brought to new water since I give her first dibs. I also will carry her to the food. She no longer gets stuck in the pool, since I am no longer using the larger one. She seems happy and likes to be near the others, but will sit still rather than walk about.
If I see that I have to put her down, I will but I see no need right now. I did have to put one chicken down, poor thing got an infection on her foot. She was also old, a rescue from another farm, and was looking ragged. She went peacefully. The two others from the same farm are still alive and one actually still lays. She is very aggressive towards the rest of the flock so she is in the front yard alone and my daughter goes out to talk to her all the time. She is a white cochin. She originally ended up in front because the gander pulled a bunch of feathers out of her back. Then I found everyone got a bath, then clipped around the butt then powdered. I will have to check again, but during this process (three days) I also power washed the entire coop with some stuff I found online and also used a humidifier to get the stuff airborne. I assume I did it right, because everyone looks and seems to feel better. I forget the name.

edit: Rumpy looks like my champagne, he was born with a wryneck, and pigeon toed. He still waddles funny and his neck is now fine. Because he is slower, he has a torn up appearance. He is part blue swedish and part mallard. He is one of the first ducklings that hatched, the only one with any issues and patience and lots of straightening (when he twisted again) I think is what saved him.
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Lacrystal, Lame duck broke her leg. She started with a cut that got infected and I didn't notice until she started to hobble on it. It was hot and swollen so I separated her from the flock. She was miserable, so I put her back after about 2 weeks and I think the boys were too rough with her, and she ended up with a broken leg. Separate again, and once she was better, I put her back. She is now a reverse dalmation in looks due to male harassment, and her leg is shriveled up and useless. She gets picked up and brought to new water since I give her first dibs. I also will carry her to the food. She no longer gets stuck in the pool, since I am no longer using the larger one. She seems happy and likes to be near the others, but will sit still rather than walk about.
If I see that I have to put her down, I will but I see no need right now. I did have to put one chicken down, poor thing got an infection on her foot. She was also old, a rescue from another farm, and was looking ragged. She went peacefully. The two others from the same farm are still alive and one actually still lays. She is very aggressive towards the rest of the flock so she is in the front yard alone and my daughter goes out to talk to her all the time. She is a white cochin. She originally ended up in front because the gander pulled a bunch of feathers out of her back. Then I found everyone got a bath, then clipped around the butt then powdered. I will have to check again, but during this process (three days) I also power washed the entire coop with some stuff I found online and also used a humidifier to get the stuff airborne. I assume I did it right, because everyone looks and seems to feel better. I forget the name.

edit: Rumpy looks like my champagne, he was born with a wryneck, and pigeon toed. He still waddles funny and his neck is now fine. Because he is slower, he has a torn up appearance. He is part blue swedish and part mallard. He is one of the first ducklings that hatched, the only one with any issues and patience and lots of straightening (when he twisted again) I think is what saved him.

AWWW, that's to bad about the chicken, but good that the duck is OK. Rumpy is doing OK, everyone once in a while I do have to bring him in. When it rains it gets to muddy for him to get around. He has a hard time getting himself clean, So he comes in for a couple of days. Last night was one of those days, he doesn't seem to mind since the first place he goes is in the bath tub with nice warm water. BOY he was dirty, had to empty and fill the tub twice. Of course, I can only fill it up to his legs, I don't allow him to swim because it does cause him to over exert himself and he starts this heavy deep breathing. So low water is what he gets, once bath time is over and he will let me know... He goes under a light to dry off. Without the tail he has a really hard time holding his balance, if he tries to clean his belly off or tail, he seems to loose his balance.. So we just let him drip dry. LOL. He seems to enjoy the couple of days off from the group and he knows the routine.. He's not much of a fan of the chickens. NOPE don't care for them.. LOL

HE does love to hang out with Sassy. My chocolate bibbed..
In the past four days I have lost 10 call ducks, don't know if they flew off or if something got them. But the sadest part of this out of the 10 two of my favorites are gone. That was sassy my noisiest call duck and RUMPY!!!

I was hoping RUMPY would come home because he can't fly or breed and he has disappeared before but he was only gone for two days. It's been three days and there's no signs of him yet..

I miss my RUMPY!!

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