My turkey and chickens


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 13, 2013
I have one turkey and 16 chickens. We hatched some turkey eggs in my ag class and i kept one so thats how that happened...anyway, one of my silkie roosters seems to think grabbing the back of her neck is ok. She's so dumb and docile she just makes little chirping noises. She's MUCH BIGGER! Do roosters try to mate with turkeys? Or is he just an *******?

And yes i am aware the diseases that can happen between turkeys and chickens, i have had no problems in my experience and our soil is very clean, no disease. She's fine I'm just worried about her relationship with her fellow roommates in the future.
how old is the turkey? it might pass - eventually i think the turkeys come to realize how much bigger they are and start to leverage that... it seems like maybe 15-16 weeks of age, my turkey realized that he could just bulldoze the chickens around and get what he wanted when he wanted it. The rooster may just be trying to defent the hens from what he percieves as a threat though. If thats the case, i don't know if the behavior would stop.... maybe just keep an eye on the situation and what how it progresses.

my roo would to the same thing with my hens when mating them, but i have no clue if roo chickens try to mate turkeys. I'm incliuned to say yes, they'd try - just because from the roosters i've had, it seems like they tried to mate everything a few times a day LOL
Well when she was a baby my cochin rooster followed her around IT WAS SO CUTE. But she's really dumb so she doesn't defend herself. Maybe she's not dumb but she does make hilarious noises and does hilarious things. She does plow over them though when she wants treats. She's such a sweetheart.

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