My Turkey was attacked....


9 Years
Jan 19, 2011
Last night my chickens went nuts, so i grab my 410 ran out to see what was wrong. i seen one of my turkeys down the drive. she seemed to be ok. i brought her in the house to check her out. at first look she was fine just some feathers missing. so i went to check her nest. when i walked up on it could not believe the amount of feathers around it. so i came back in to check her again and found a 7in gash just behind her leg so i cleaned up the area. removed all feathers in and around the gash. it was so large i stitched it up. put antibiotic on it. then gave her a injection of antibiotic.

is there any thing i can do to help her to recover?


i took her eggs and put them under another hen thats sitting that lost most her eggs from the weather. she took them right in
they are Bourbon Red Turkeys
she is the most calm turkey i have she loves to walk down by the road with me. and sit on my lap under the shade tree.
First Johnj
sounds like you've taken care of it pretty well so far. Do you have any idea what the attacker was? It was dark outside? Do you lock up your turkeys at night to protect them from attacks? Other than what you have already done which sounds great, I would just make sure they are closed up so predators can't get to them. She should heal fine. All the best.
no i dont lock them up they are free to go where they like. they do have pins they can go in but they prefer to roost om my banister on the ramp to my front door. lol but it is covered to keep rain off them. and no didn't see what attack her. but till she is better she is in my room in the house lol i did let her out last night after i fixed her up she was able to fly up to roost but she didnt go to her favorite spot on top of the telephone pole

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