My Turkeys Are Gonna Be TV Stars


10 Years
May 28, 2009
Bloomington, Indiana
The local public television affiliate, WTIU (Bloomington/Indiana University), is coming to film a segment for a weekly program they have that features local interests and such. The show is called The Weekly Special. It's going to be a segment mainly about turkeys (for Thanksgiving). I think they're going to kind of do it with a "Dirty Jobs" slant...they're going to help me do all the stuff that has to be done, such as clean out the coop and all that. lol Should be interesting!

They're coming to film tomorrow (or today, as the case may be at this hour).
I shall, I shall.....

Should be an interesting experience if nothing else. lol

Maybe I'll be able to post a link or upload something when it airs.
Filming is over. Hopefully I don't look like a total baffoon on the segment. lol


It'll air sometime around November 11th.... I'll post an update and maybe be able to upload it on Youtube or something if I can get ahold of the clip specifically.... The show itself is available on podcast too I guess.
My TV segment does air this Thursday and Friday here.

I don't know if they will put it up online afterwards or not. If they don't, hopefully I can get the clip up online some way or another to share.

They put the clip up on YouTube already.....

I still haven't watched it all, cause it won't load right for me. Other people have watched it though, so it works...just not for me. lol

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