My Very First Brooder (Pix)

Masonic Chicken

In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 24, 2009
Vernon/Bonifay, FL
Okay Peeps,
I finally got around to posting the picturss of my first brooder. I have never really messed with chickens , or building things for that matter. I am kinda a city boy gone country. I looked around, and read a decent bit. I went from there, never tried to draw it out, I tend to work better from memory. I won't claim it is a perfect design, but for my first one , I think it came out pretty good.
I built it all for around $80.00. I Already had the lamps, the (drip pans) lol, I found at Lowe's for a closeout of $2.97 each, and they were the PERFECT size, which works well for me. They were actually plastic floor panels for a sheet metal building. I built the brooder a little larger than maybe I should have, for the reason that I want the chicks to be able to remain in there until it is time to let them free range with a few older hens I have. I will probably place dividers in there if needed. The measurements are 8ft Long, 3ft Tall, 2ft Deep. I think I did okay for the first time building something....what do you peeps think?





I think it looks dandy! You did a good job.
One thing youll learn about chickens is they dont need fancy.
Damp proof, airy and rugged, yes. Fancy? no.

Me personally, I would prefer the use of infrared lamps for heat. But hey, to each his own.
It's partly this. The glaring white light of incandescent lamps are anything but calming.
The infrareds are also a more focused light. I get a corded dimmer and then I can vary the intensity as the chicks age.
Also chickens are attracted to red. When they peck at each other, they occasionally draw a spot of blood. Under red light, the blood nearly disappears.
Under bright white light, however, it stands out and draws more attention. More pecking ensues and harm can befall the injured chick.
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Wow - I just love it! I think I will show my DH this thread so he can build me one.
Not like he has anything better to do... Right now I'm using a large dog crate in the garage.
Me thinks those are some spoiled chicks!

Mine are in the garage in a large dog crate also...and they are 4 weeks old today and would be loving that much space.

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