my very own micro farm

So, with very little info about ear infections!! I called everywhere for all antibiotics. Nothing! So I pulled amoxicillin gave him the right dose for body weight. It's been 2 days and it's getting so much better no puss or blood. The swelling has gone down a great amount! I also have been giving him electroylites with probiotics. Lots of treats and feed. Plus ACV

I hope it continues to work and is cleared up by the end of the week. I had to do what I had to do! He seems happy and much more comfortable. No more scratching. And has started to free range again. Thank for everyone's help! Crossing my fingers! I figured something is better then nothing!
I'll post before and after in a couple days.
So, with very little info about ear infections!! I called everywhere for all antibiotics. Nothing! So I pulled amoxicillin gave him the right dose for body weight. It's been 2 days and it's getting so much better no puss or blood. The swelling has gone down a great amount! I also have been giving him electroylites with probiotics. Lots of treats and feed. Plus ACV

I hope it continues to work and is cleared up by the end of the week. I had to do what I had to do! He seems happy and much more comfortable. No more scratching. And has started to free range again. Thank for everyone's help! Crossing my fingers! I figured something is better then nothing!
I'll post before and after in a couple days.
If you are seeing results in 2 days, then you picked the right antibiotic. <thumbsup>
That's great news. Continue to be diligent in care. Look forward to seeing improved pictures and activity.
You should consider putting together an emergency kit for your chickens since a close vet isn't an option.

Onwards and upwards
It's working! I went to get olive. Looked him over gaves some loves. Then went for the ear.. Very gently touched it and it moved. Yeah! I brought him inside. I barely touched it and it came out. His ear
looks really good! Just a bit open. He had a little scratch. I'm wondering if he scratched at his ear and bacteria weaseled their way in . I didn't get a pic of him but this is what came out.

It was hard as a rock!
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Did you cut it open?
Keep up with the antibiotics, internal and topical, for the full regime tho.

Hard to say what caused the infection....could have been a scratch, could be a sinus/respiratory infection inside his head,
Was there any wheezing, nostril drainage, swollen areas on face, foamy eyes, etc?

Glad you're seeing improvement!
Did you cut it open?
Keep up with the antibiotics, internal and topical, for the full regime tho.

Hard to say what caused the infection....could have been a scratch, could be a sinus/respiratory infection inside his head,
Was there any wheezing, nostril drainage, swollen areas on face, foamy eyes, etc?

Glad you're seeing improvement!
thabk you!

there was a tiny bit of blood when it pretty much fell out. I dissected the chunk
. It almost looked like pic#1 just pulled the hair near the side of his ear out. It had the porky pines where the blood was located on his ear. I did use saline and covered his ear with neosprin. It's pretty open. Hoping it does not take a long time to close. Other then that there was nothing coming out of his nose. No sneazing or wheezing. He's been eating great! I really hope he isn't prone to this. I will continue with the amoxicillin Intel his 7 days are up. If he is prone in the future I can't breed him. So I'm really hoping this is a isolated incident. I do have a back up cockerel but he is definitely not my first choice!! He to skittish even though I hand raised him. I would almost rather start from scratch.
Thanks a million! I'll get pictures of his open ear today.

Olive is doing great! His ear is closing up and he's out and about again. I am still giving him a 2 small doses of amoxicillin a day. I'm wondering if I should go 5 days or 7? Any input? Since I scrambled (no punt Intended)
to find something to give him.
I do have a chicken kit but it is not complete. I need to pick up a few extra things. I do have a ivermax and tetroxy . I better do some reasearch. I don't want to feel helpless again! Thanks a million aart shodack @ Attimus .. Hope your hand is healing up well!
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That's wonderful. I'm glad he's improving so well. I would do a full 7 days just to be safe. My kit isn't 100% either, think I'm gonna get a check list together, starting with calling the vets in the area.
Hands improving by the day. No pt this week, dumb paperwork on their end so just doing the same exercises at home.
I think when the bandages come off I might finally be able to look at the few pictures I took from the er and midway through healing up and maybe even get them up here.
Plenty of warning before that tho.

Did some work(with alot of help)on the coops to support the tarps from ballooning with water between the frames. They were pretty bad after that last storm. Actually had to poke a hole in one to drain about 20 or 30 gal out. Lol. New storm coming in today, should be getting snow late tonight or early tomorrow morning. Guess I'm as ready as Im gonna be considering.

Onwards and upwards
That's wonderful. I'm glad he's improving so well. I would do a full 7 days just to be safe. My kit isn't 100% either, think I'm gonna get a check list together, starting with calling the vets in the area.
Hands improving by the day. No pt this week, dumb paperwork on their end so just doing the same exercises at home.
I think when the bandages come off I might finally be able to look at the few pictures I took from the er and midway through healing up and maybe even get them up here.
Plenty of warning before that tho.

Did some work(with alot of help)on the coops to support the tarps from ballooning with water between the frames. They were pretty bad after that last storm. Actually had to poke a hole in one to drain about 20 or 30 gal out. Lol. New storm coming in today, should be getting snow late tonight or early tomorrow morning. Guess I'm as ready as Im gonna be considering.

Onwards and upwards
Glad to hear your doing better! Soon you will be cooking again. Sit back and enjoy everyone cooking for you this year! When you get your list figured out I would love to see it.
Has anyone ever use rAw pumpkin seeds mixed with buttermilk for deworming ? None of my hens have them but I know I should due annually. Just curious if it's worked for others? I read it somewhere on BYC.
Attimus, how did you prop tarps? I wrapped one side of the coop. However I did have a problem with the broody coops. I'm keeping a blue isbar, BR and olive in the biggest one. Soon to be moved to the big ladies. Of course not Intel he's 100%.

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