My washing machine.....


9 Years
Apr 4, 2010
broke today and not very happy about all the mess and wet clothes or it breaking. Well anyways it is out of here on the deck. Of course tomorrow is Sunday.
Mine broke during a full wash.Ugh.Had to take everything in buckets to the laundry.
Hope you have an easy fix.I had a fisher paykel and the board was blown.Hated the washer anyway,but it took me weeks to agree on a new one from dh. I was just so worried I would pick another bad one.I finally let dh pick.
Thank you....I will be going to mil's today so I will do some laundry there. I have the load that is soaking wet so I will get that done at least.
Even had a young gal I hated going to the laundromat. Despised it to the point I washed my clothes in the bathtub!
Get an Admiral. They're cheap, have everything you need and are pretty basic. We have 5 kids and I paid 300.00 at HD for one. Still going strong after 5 years. That's a record in our house. Paying more doesn't mean the quality is any better. usually just more gizmos to go bad.
If you can't get it fixed, don't let someone charge you $75 dollars to haul it off. I had this happen and it wasn't worth repairing. I gave my kids wrenches, screw drivers and a hammer and told them to take it apart. I used the shell for a brooder for a while, the stainless steel tub as a planter and threw the rest away in the weekly trash--one or two peices at a time. The kids had a grand time, I got sone useful stuff out of it and wasn't out any more money than necessary.

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