My White Eggs Turned Brown/Tan....???

Ground control to medivac I, do you copy?
This is Medivac I, go ahead ground control........
Medivac I please proceed to 911 raised brow lane and effect an air lift for one New Timer. Ms. Timer has a birthing emergency. Please transport ms. Timer to the scene of the birthing even at the location she directs.
Medivac I That's a roger ground control, proceeding to Raised Brow lane.......ETA......7 minutes........

No those aren't due for 2 weeks. I wanted him to have friends so I went and grabbed those eggs when I killed the other.


It cuddled up with the other eggs. Awe.
I got off real late. We had an emergency patient come in at 5:30 and didn't leave till 645 so it's too late to drive another 45 min and have to get up at 5:30. I'm gonna wait till tomorrow then I will blow this up with MY pics!! I feel so bad but I just worked a 12 hour day and I'm exhausted. :-(

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