My White Eggs Turned Brown/Tan....???

Yay!! I'm hoping so and that's why I grabbed two more eggs so this little thing has friends lol. These new ones are tan eggs, not the offwhite ones so they will probably be different colors/breeds. The hen who laid them obviously came from a different one than the ones originally. I dated these new ones so I KNOW when it's time for them to come out :). The 21st day from my first trial is going to be Thursday/Friday. So hopefully I will be there when and if it breaks out of the shell. Now I have to learn how to raise it till its ready for going outside! Man this is alot more work than I thought!!! But I felt sooooo bad when I realized I killed one so I have to do it again.
They are easy. You need to keep it warm til it has its feathers. Chic food from feed store or Tractor Supply. Waterer also from feed store or Tractor Supply. Don't put a bowl of water down it could drown. It can live in a good sized box or a metal dog kennel. Good luck.
Thanks so much for your help. Ill go buy a waterer and new fresh chick food. There is a tractor supply near me about 15 minutes away in Monroe....I live in Georgia (if anyone else on here lives here). Do I have to put food in its mouth and teach them how to eat or will they eat on its own from the start? Do I throw the shell and remnants away or will the baby eat it (I'm sure the mama would)?
Yep throw the shell away and the chick will know how to eat. Don't panick if it don't eat the first day or two, Ivcan survive on the what is left of the yolk in it's body. They are pretty smart and it will be loud and lonely so you will have to play mom. Just pick it up and hold it for a bit. When it is dark it will settle down. Glad I can be a help to you.
Don't wrry I am not going anywhere. I have this thread saved and it lets me know when you post on it. So if you have any questions I will answer. You can also send me a private message.:)
Oh my goodness thank you so so much!!! My boredom has totally taken over my feelings and brain. Hopefully the other one will hatch. I keep thinking I killed the one that was going to hatch. I hate killing anything....even though I've eaten them its different when I'm trying I raise them.
That's a great suggestion...thanks!! I need all I can get. I will be sure to post a pic of my new "baby" when he hatches (if he does).

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