My wife and I just had that "We need to talk"conversation...

I hear farmlife is a never ending list of chores....
Yes it is- it is tough work, but can be very fulfilling.
I also think that a guy with a tan line on his forehead, rough looking hands who can do things like mend fences, build coops and fix whatever is broken is very sexy. More so than a smooth looking guy with manscaped eyebrows and beard in a suit with smooth, soft hands who can't figure out which end of a shovel to use. Just my opinion, of course.

I'm getting there.

Trust the plan.
It kind of stopped me dead in my tracks. When I realized that our communication should have been better, and sometimes you just don't see the signs.The every day come and go , the routine, the chores and paying bills; sometimes things go stale and then when you least expect it,
BOOM it's all clear....
An epiphany...
An internal conflict quickly turns into conscience of clarity... that you see what the road ahead needs to be and how to get there...and that action that has to be taken...
I took the bull by the horns as always, and my wife and I, sat down and had
"the talk"...

I sat her down explained to her; outlined the situation, expressed my disappointment in the things I pointed out and I asked her about her disappointments as I was sure she had her share of them as well. As we spoke I could feel within her as well as inside of me a "come to reality" moment, a calmness if you will... a serene sense of wellness, that we are both at peace with this decision and now we can move forward in our paths and with where ever life takes us.
So there we were, strong in both our decisions, knowing that our plans and future were now in OUR hands...

We agreed that moving forward,
in order to meet our goals and plans and to try to avoid this same mistake again...

that we needed to order more chicks this spring to have enough for her to have enough egg layers and me to cover my breeding projects... So we planned on more breeding pens and went online and ordered chicks for shipment in the spring.

Did you guys think this was going to be a different type of post??
LOL Adorable!!
For me,Single Comb Red and Brown Leghorn hens.
Blue Andalusians.

For her,more Salmon Faverolles,some Spangled Hamburg hens for her rooster.

I may also order some Red Mottled Leghorns already established from a breeder. We'll see.

Where are you ordering from? I
Last batch I bought from Munray hatchery; the chicks all died within 3 months; 25 of them; all slowly; just randomly dead, one after the other. Just randomly stop eating and slowly lethargic and then dead in the morning. 1 by 1!!! It was infuriating.. they where all rare breed assortment; ordered them 2 months in advanced; had everything ready for them. 3 dead on arrival.

first bad batch I received. No green paste on the box (feed for transportation) so disappointed; I will not buy from them ever again.

the ones I had bought from tractor supply; they all survived; not one sick; the whole batch is laying already. Too bad I only bought 10. Also the. Ones I recommend my Boss; all 10 of them arealsoalive and happy.

even my o
Home hatched ones are alive and happy.
Where are you ordering from? I
Last batch I bought from Munray hatchery; the chicks all died within 3 months; 25 of them; all slowly; just randomly dead, one after the other. Just randomly stop eating and slowly lethargic and then dead in the morning. 1 by 1!!! It was infuriating.. they where all rare breed assortment; ordered them 2 months in advanced; had everything ready for them. 3 dead on arrival.

first bad batch I received. No green paste on the box (feed for transportation) so disappointed; I will not buy from them ever again.

the ones I had bought from tractor supply; they all survived; not one sick; the whole batch is laying already. Too bad I only bought 10. Also the. Ones I recommend my Boss; all 10 of them arealsoalive and happy.

even my o
Home hatched ones are alive and happy.
There's a Tractor Supply about an hour and a half away from my place. I know they sell chicks but if I'm ordering a specific kind my only option is mail order.Not that many people deal with Leghorns in my area,if they do,they're white.
My order came with Grow Gel. The chicks arrived alive, were all strong,and alert. I put them on water with electrolytes, some garlic, and apple cider vinegar. Thank God they all survived.I've heard that some people have problems with mail-order chicks from anywhere not just one particular place.
Sorry to hear about your bad experience.

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