:) !mychickensneaky chat thread! :)

Can I join? :D I have 12 chickens, 6 chicks, 1 turtle, and for cats, and 3 resident deer that stay here every spring/summer/fall And a ton of wild blackbirds/grackles that wake me up every morning because they are so LOUD!!!!! :p
Can I join? :D I have 12 chickens, 6 chicks, 1 turtle, and for cats, and 3 resident deer that stay here every spring/summer/fall And a ton of wild blackbirds/grackles that wake me up every morning because they are so LOUD!!!!! :p

I have this really annoying scrub jay that flies into my backyard and starts screaming like crazy!! His voice is NOT pleasant. -.-
Hey, can I join? My name is Victoria and i'm home schooled! I have 13 chickens soon 17, 4 dogs soon to be 5, a bunch of fish, 2 bunnies, and 1 Umbrella Cockatoo!

Here is a cute picture of one of my chicks!

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