Mycoplasma in Hatching Eggs


10 Years
Jan 23, 2014
I've read that it's possible for Mycoplasma infections to be transmitted vertically from infected hens via their eggs but I can't seem to find any statistics about the odds of this happening. Does anyone know what the actual risk is? Does the hen need to be actively infectious at the time in order to pass it on in the eggs or can a symptomless carrier also transmit the disease this way?

I need to add some new chickens to my flock and I'm trying to find the safest way to do it. My plan will be to keep a rooster as well so I can breed them and keep a closed flock going forward. It seems from what I've been reading that most people don't really worry about it when sourcing hatching eggs but maybe I'm wrong? I want to take the biosecurity seriously because I have a lot of peafowl who I obviously can't afford to risk and also my existing flock of hens who are dropping off in production now but have given so much to us and I want them to live out a happy, healthy life.

I'm in Ireland and as far as I can tell, there are no certified Mycoplasma free sources of birds or hatching eggs here, at least I haven't been able to find any. I'm concerned that there is no risk free option when introducing new birds but I'm looking for the least risky option possible, if anyone can advise what that would be?

Also, are there any other diseases that I should be concerned about introducing via hatching eggs?
I'm looking for the least risky option possible, if anyone can advise what that would be?
hatching eggs are safer than buying in live birds. They will likely give you some roosters too, so I would source from a reputable breeder of whatever breed you would like your ideal rooster to be - the Poultry Club of Ireland should be able to give you contact details of such a person.
Thanks so much for the reply. I have some eggs ordered now so hopefully all will go well. I feel happy with the people I've ordered them from but I suppose you can never be sure.

I was considering putting the eggs under one of my peahens but I decided to be extra safe and bought an incubator so I can keep them very separate and quarantined from each other for a while. If there was any Mycoplasma, would it be likely to show up fairly soon in newly hatched chicks?
Thanks so much for the reply. I have some eggs ordered now so hopefully all will go well. I feel happy with the people I've ordered them from but I suppose you can never be sure.

I was considering putting the eggs under one of my peahens but I decided to be extra safe and bought an incubator so I can keep them very separate and quarantined from each other for a while. If there was any Mycoplasma, would it be likely to show up fairly soon in newly hatched chicks?
I'd like some answers to this, too. I don't know much about the risks for mycoplasma, but have chosen to buy hatching eggs to start my flock as well, and would very much like to know more about this. You have asked good questions--surely someone here will be able to share some knowledge about this.
Talk to someone at your veterinary college, or poultry extension, or at least an avian veterinarian. Here in Michigan, the MSU veterinary path lab has experts, and tests that can be run on live birds.
It's very very difficult to actually isolate birds in most home flocks, and this is a real risk.
Eggs can't be tested, far as I know, but see what your egg supplier has to say. Paranoid biosecurity is not a bad thing!
Yes, I'm surprised at the lack of answers. I thought if anyone on here had actually experienced it happening they might respond, so maybe the lack of anyone doing that may be a good sign that it's not that prevalent?

I have 13 chicks here now that hatched from the shipped eggs and am doing my best to keep them quarantined. They seem very healthy but I'd really love to know how long I need to wait before I can be sure they're not carriers of it or anything.

I agree with you, Mary. I'd rather be paranoid than lose any of my birds.

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